Dear Editor, Some of us were sort of excited to hear about the recently appointed DSAG (Destination Stewardship Advisory Group) on January 27th, which will steer tourism so it continues to deliver long-term benefits for all Cook Islanders, while protecting its natural and cultural heritage? Really?
Finally, it is December and we can hear Christmas coming with all the jingles bells and whistles.
Is the radioactivity of polymetallic nodules an problem? The simple answer to that question is, we do not know. Yet.
Kia Orana, I am just an average PR enjoying my dinner and listening to my local station Cook Islands Radio. It is so frustrating to night after night, listen to the third replay of a music reel during 12 hours.
Dear Editor, It is so good to see that we have won medals from the swimming team at the Pacific Games in the Solomon Islands.
Dear Editor, I once again find myself having the blessed good fortune to spend multiple weeks in wonderful Rarotonga.
Not everyone goes out at night to boogie and brawl! The smarter ones, the older generation does it all in style! And it is not an all-out boozing party like the excuses some of our friends give not to attend. Most of us don’t drink! Alcohol and non-alcohol drinks are available.
Dear Editor, I agree with much of what Thomas Wynne has been writing in the Cook Islands News over the last three Saturdays with regard to re-examining the Albert Henry Case of 1978-79
I am writing to you as a continuing returning tourist whose family have rewardingly participated in most tourist activities the island has to offer over approximately a 20-year period.
I wish to comment briefly on “The Last of the Pooh-Bahs”, by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne, 18 November 2023, although I do not wish to relitigate the “fly-in voters” case.
On Thursday, November 24, the whole of America stopped to celebrate Thanksgiving, and thankfully, missiles of mass destruction stopped falling on the Gaza strip as part of a 4-day ceasefire with negotiations to release Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, I too have been dismayed and concerned about Thomas Wynne’s scurrilous article “The last of the pooh-bahs” in the Cook Islands News (Saturday, November 18) attacking Sir Gavin Donne and others of the Albert Henry saga.
How do we stop family violence? How do we heal multi-generational abuse?
Me ruru koe i te pu rakau, matakite eaa te ka pururu mai, if you shake the tree, be careful what falls out, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Meitaki maata our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Awakened in the early hours of Friday, November 24, to a most extraordinary sound of music so nice, cool, silent and gentle but lo, it was only raindrops falling.
I am writing to you as a continuing returning tourist whose family have rewardingly participated in most tourist activities the island has to offer over approximately a 20-year period.
Dear Editor, I did not witness the earlier years of Albert Henry’s reign so cannot comment on his contribution in that period, but when I returned to Rarotonga to work as a lawyer in 1975, Albert had become a tyrant committed to staying in power. This was at the expense of hundreds of Cook Islands families who stood up against the abuses of government. Most were forced to leave their homeland to survive.