Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.
As a parent of two young children playing soccer, I was appalled at what I saw on Facebook written by a CIFA staff by the name of Sammy Mataroa.
Dear Editor, Re: Ngatangiia versus Titikaveka premier grade incident involving players. Last weekend netball games started and what an exciting season it promises for all the clubs.
Shaming others who can’t speak the language, who are trying to learn, by maligning them in person or online with cruel and crippling words like ‘plastic’ is wrong, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, We like to think that we march to the beat of our own drums when it comes to our lives but do we?
Dear Editor, I write with palpable gloom and deep concern about this subject matter (Referendum needed to decide UN membership, says Elikana, Cook Islands News, April 6). We need to sift through the issues carefully and be able to anticipate the full consequences.
For pet owners, the decision to euthanise a beloved companion animal is undoubtedly one of the most agonising choices they may face, writes Te Are Manu’s medical director Dr Rose Hasegawa.
Dear Editor, Well, aren’t we busy bees on this island coming up with all sorts of ideas and ways to make money. Way to go whoever you are that comes up with these brain waves and of course, always including the people in the decision making as you go. Now it’s water.
Dear Editor, This week To Tatou Vai is hosting vaka consultations on water charges. The imposition of user-pays is the authority following through on neocolonial development policy.
The trial may be only a partial eclipse of the theft by the three convicted but although we are not able to see it, there probably lies a total cover up of, corruption beyond our comprehension that we are kept completely in the dark about, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, It was reported in the Cook Islands News on 9-12-23, a jury of nine women and two men found an Aitutaki man guilty of supplying cannabis following a two-day trial on Rarotonga.
There is always plenty of room at the table to eat. This is something my grandmother and mother have always said, and more importantly, they practiced what they preached, which is how we have lived our lives, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, A question to the Editor about the column published by Thomas Wynne. No discredit to his column at all. It can be a great read and it is an Opinion column and he does that and you have published it for many years.
Dear Editor, I raise questions on the sentencing of former Cook Islands deputy prime minister Robert Tapaitau and two other former high-ranking Government officials (Nga Puna and Diane Charlie-Puna), handed jail terms for fraud and corruption charges.