In the Pacific, large people denoted wealth to eat and store fat for times of famine from cyclones. In European societies poor women were fat while, husbands were thin. But rich men were fat and rich wives thin. Now rich or poor everyone is fat, writes Ruta Mave.
We live in our minds. We dwell in our thoughts. The world’s sacred texts speak of thought as the source of our being, our very reality. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
To proxy or not to proxy is the question being discussed at vaka meetings as Government has decided on a course where proxy votes, or votes counted when absent, will be included when Parliament sits, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Kia orana. Can anyone out there assist with info and photographs? Back in about 1984/85, there was a major construction of a roadway, more or less across from the Police Station today, and going across in the direction of the Boiler.
Dear Editor, The cost of living is hitting low to middle income families like a kick in the stomach! Asking the same families to grow food crops, is only a temporary solution to a long-term problem.
Dear Editor, I find this quite selfish and inconsiderate (Expats seek minimum wage increase to match rising costs, March 8, 2024). I wonder if these people have ever made these types of complaints back in their own countries.
Dear Editor, I have posted a couple of articles to LinkedIn promoting free and unlimited internet as a competitive advantage for the Cook Islands.
Fleas can cause a lot of problems for dogs and cats, but there are treatments available to help control them, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa, medical director Te Are Manu.
Women’s day was celebrated with shared food and drink involving conversation, discussion and sharing of platitudes to being a unique, diverse, all-encompassing woman. Women waved flags of unity and sisterhood holding their heads high. Then, later that day, they would return to their roles as wife, mother, other at the beck and call of men. By Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, Once again, the red necks have come out of the woodwork in response to expats asking for a cost-of-living increase.
Who grew up thinking of themselves as half caste, quarter caste or part this part that but never the total sum of all of who we are, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Last month marked two years since the country’s first seabed minerals exploration licences were issued on 23 February 2022. A major milestone and achievement for the Cook Islands after many years of preparation.