Father and son, mother and daughter, brothers in arms and soul sisters, there is something about family. The bonds of blood are thicker than the resumes of other worthy candidates. Questioning the presence of nepotism in CISNOC (Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee) is like asking if the Pope is Catholic?
Dear Editor, With 30 to 40 vacancies for new Police officers, what is needed now is new Police staffing infrastructure, not more buildings and non-urgent infrastructure.
Anyone who has worked with leaders has, at some stage, met head on the challenge of conflicting values, voice, or worldview with their own, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
CI News ran a story on 9 May headlined, ‘Exciting times ahead as market makeover begins’.
Dear Editor, Last Saturday, my wife purchased a particular food line which had increased by 40 cents from the last time she bought this product about two months ago. I calculated this increase to be around 3.5 per cent.
Let’s not wait another year to remember mothers, let’s do it more often during the year and say Happy Mother’s Day every day, writes Ruta Mave.
It’s absurd how the Cook Islands News can take such a significant milestone, like a female national athlete becoming the secretary general of our National Sports Organisation, and twist it to include irrelevant personal jabs. Kez earned her position on her own merits, regardless of who her father is.
Dear Editor, I saw the Cook Islands News article on new CISNOC secretary this morning (Thursday). The appointment seems like an “inside job”. It’s so easy to put unjustified descriptions on a preferred applicant with a “wink wink say no more” approach and “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”. Owen Lewis’ daughter is […]
A seven-year-old was talking about her mother one day as we walked and she skipped down the beach. I asked her mother’s name. “Which one?” she answered with a big grin. “I have three mothers," writes Linda Kavelin-Popov.
Our digital taro patches, our everyday phones and devices, which we use to share photos, communicate with each other, and establish an online presence, are like sitting in the window of CITC in Avarua or a shop, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
The claim by Tupapa MP he has obtained an excavator for his village for those that voted him is a slap against the government that he represents as a Minister. Maggie said “So, I look after those who help me, I have to be fair with them and help them first.” Oh, really.
Dear Editor, Having read the Thursday, May 9, Cook Islands News main headline (Lewis takes helm at CISNOC) I can categorically confirm that the Office of the Public Service Commissioner (OPSC) was not in any way involved in the recruitment process of the new Secretary General of CISNOC.