Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.
Ciguatera poisoning is a type of foodborne illness caused by consuming fish that have accumulated ciguatoxins, which are produced by marine microorganisms, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa, medical director Te Are Manu Vet Clinic.
Dear Editor, I was also interested to read about the education debate in Parliament last month. Leader of the Opposition, Honourable MP Tina Browne, shared her concern about the low academic achievements of Tereora College students. I am interested to know the source of this information.
Did TAU (Te Aponga Uira) have to wait until the expert caught a plane to Rarotonga to assess the situation? Ruta Mave writes.
Dear Editor, Barbara Hanchard’s opinion piece “Back to basics in offshore fisheries management” published in Cook Islands News June 25 edition is commendable.
As Aotearoa celebrates Matariki, the Māori New Year, it gives us time to reflect on how we too could add a day to our year that celebrates our Māori worldview, those of our tūpuna, and the vast expanse of ocean they navigated and the knowledge they carried with them, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, Kia Orana. I am writing in response to the article published in the Pacific News section of your paper earlier this week, entitled ‘New Caledonia’s pro-independence leaders charged, transferred to mainland France’.
In response to the public opposition to water tariffs, the prime minister has recently taken the stand: ‘Free water’ reads the headline; and in fine print “a fair and reasonable amount...” (‘PM: Free water for households’, 22 June).
Dear Editor, There appeared in your Monday 24th June 2024 issue of the Cook Islands News a letter from an anonymous writer asking a number of questions.
Dear Editor, I write as I have no other recourse, hoping the relevant Ministers and organisations take notice. People listen. Te Aponga Uira (TAU) are ripping us off!
Dear Editor, I refer to the CI News article on NZ Minister Shane Jones (June 17th) where he is quoted as saying. “Some of the doctors on Aitutaki were of Burmese (sic) extraction.
Dear Editor, Must be something wrong with the way I read the news … I am sure that in Cook Islands News, Monday, June 24th, the PM is quoted as saying in FUTURE tense – “I’ll make sure that we put in place what needs to be done with the Police, etc, etc…”