As we celebrate 60 years of self governance, with the theme “Kua kite au i toku turanga, e avaiki toku – I know who I am, I have a homeland” – we also reflect on significant moments for us as a country, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
The care with which the TCA is managed is clear, preserving its unique ecosystems and biodiversity, writes Gemma Langley.
Sitting in the Land Court these past few days and representing the interests of the Kopu a Kaena over the past two weeks has been a wonderfully humbling and unifying experience.
It was interesting - and hilarious in some ways to read some very strong and emotive comments from letter writers and smoke signallers in the daily newspaper last week, with contributors predicting the worst for Nicholas and government in the RAPPA by-election.
There is no doubt in my mind that the re-election of Albert Nicholas as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Avatiu/Ruatonga/Parlmeston coveys to the public a clear but much more sinister meaning of what it takes to be an MP in the Cook Islands.
This week, my Scripture Class focused on the virtue of Forgiveness.
The Devil is sitting by the side of the road, his cloven hoofed hands, pressed against his cheeks as he weeps tears, sobbing like a baby.
The Democratic Party wishes to congratulate Albert Nicholas for holding his seat in the recent Avatiu/Ruatonga/Palmerston (RAPPA) by-election.
It is often said that a champion team will always beat a team of champions.
In the past, medical doctors used to dominate the political scene of the Cook Islands.
While browsing through a Rarotonga shop, I ran into a friend who was working there, wearing a huge smile.
Have you ever wondered about the many layers of relationships we move in and out of each and every day?
In 1965 when our fledgling democracy was thrown into the international arena, we neither had the need nor the wherewithal to meet any international obligations.
Surely this must not go unchallenged.
The last of the four principles in A Pace of Grace is “Plan a Sustainable Life”.
In a time when a person’s rights seem to be the overriding narrative, there has been a case in New Zealand where a person in jail for murder has petitioned the government for his right to donate sperm and to donate his organs.
One of the most powerful ways to invite a pace of grace is what I call “practicing the Presence” -connecting each day with the holy.
Io Totoro is my grandfather going back 11 generations and he would take a wife, Paparoaroa Taraarei – Itiao Ruatuitui Ruanaki and it is from his granddaughter that would derive the Ngati Kaena name, Kaena district and Kaena Mataiapo Tutara title.
“A magnificent race…cheerful, attentive, enthusiastic and intelligent, better material for conversion into soldiers could not be found,” wrote Lieutenant Colonel JL Sleeman when reflecting on the 500 Cook Islands men who volunteered during World War One.
Would you like to experience a pace of grace?
Sitting in the enormous school hall at Mt Albert Grammar, all I heard was, “any Cook Islands students wanting to travel to Gisborne, please see me in my office after assembly.
Easter is upon us and I will leave the religious discourse to those with titles and whose profession it is to take the pulpit every Sunday or Saturday depending on your view of what day is the Sabbath.
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