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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

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Letters to the Editor

Top cop position advertised

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Kata - Water petition

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Ruta Mave: When ‘special friends’ become predators

Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.


Te Ipukarea Society: Tracking the Ī’oi:

Since the last update, the Ī’oi Project, led by Te Ipukarea Society, has begun the next phase with the start of radio tracking.


Thomas Wynne: What is the 16th Island of the Cooks?

People often refer to Tokoroa as the 16th Island of the country currently called the Cook Islands, though many may not know, that historically, Niue held this distinction. Thomas Wynne writes.



Letter: Climate change talkfest

So Mr Wayne King and his merry band of climate change warriors will wing their way all the way to Azerbaijan to attend another talkfest on climate change.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Cops don’t get it

I see in your paper where the police gave their latest roundup on reckless driving around the island and thankfully there were no skunk drunks to report about.

Letters to the Editor

Te Tuhi Kelly: Deflect, defend and denigrate

Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party states that Te Aponga Uira has employed the three D’s of public relations, defend, deflect and denigrate to deal with fallout from the incident several months ago when four men were seriously injured by the energising of a high voltage cable they were repairing.



Letter:  Compensation ordinance in need of updating

I read with interest last week’s articles about the TAU electrocution incident.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Damages over defamatory claims

Dear Editor: In the Cook Islands High Court Bench Violation Book, 4.2 rule of law, it states, “the doctrine of the rule of law”, in its simplest form, means that we are all subject to clearly defined laws and legal principles [rather than the person whims of powerful people] and that those laws apply equally to all people all the time.

Letters to the Editor

Ruta Mave: Call for proper caring for elderly

Will anyone address the elephant in the room? asks columnist Ruth Mave. And will government tax pensioners again? Mave writes.



Te Ipukarea Society: Plastics problem impacting our health

Te Ipukarea Society was recently represented by June Hosking at the 3 day Fiji National Symposium on Plastic Pollution Prevention, hosted by Fiji's Pacific Islands Climate Action Network. The symposium was supported by UN Trade & Development and UNDP. Following are her reflections.


Thomas Wynne: Do we have a healthy democracy?

If we were to give our democracy a scorecard out of ten, what would that number be, and what questions would we ask our government to help us determine that score? A healthy democracy is often characterised by robust institutions, active citizen participation, respect for human rights, and accountability. Thomas Wynne writes.



Letter: Opposition asleep at the switch?

Dear Editor, Why is it that the media the only one digging into the practices of the former and current government officials?

Letters to the Editor


Letter: All Saints Day and death!

Unfortunately, none of us escapes death. It waits for us around the corner, and can appear suddenly, very unwelcome. You can’t dodge or jump over it. You are going to die.

Letters to the Editor


Pet Talk: Controlling pet population and improving health through desexing

Desexing, also known as spaying (for females) or neutering (for males), is a common veterinary procedure. This practice is crucial not only for controlling the pet population in Rarotonga but also for improving the health and behaviour of pets, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa, medical director Te Are Manu Vet Clinic.


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