Dear Editor, As far as I see it, the PM Mark Brown is doing more work than anyone else in government, and I don’t mean blowing rubbish and cutting hedges on the side of the road.
Dear Editor, I was appalled and disgusted by the op-ed by Ruta Mave that shamed and held women in-part accountable for the ongoing domestic violence against them. The views expressed were harsh and totally naive to the realities of domestic violence.
I HAVE never seen more coming and going than here in the Cook Islands; not just the visitors and tourists who come for a taste of paradise and a break from cold winters, but locals too.
Hello! Your manata (nuisance) friend is back! I am going to shift the subject of my column for the next three weeks to good old politics.
We are visiting the US this week, celebrating Thanksgiving Day with family.
What’s in a name?
I want to bring to the attention of the people of Cook Islands matters in regard to nomination of next of kin on their National Cook Islands Superannuation Fund.
WHAT IF you had a dream of being a great athlete – the strongest, fastest rugby or soccer player - a true champion of the game?
TRITE AS it may seem, we often quote the phrase it takes a village to raise a child.
IF THERE’S a lesson to be learned from the costly, high profile Teina Bishop court cases it is this; the government has to pay more attention when the public makes rumblings of discontent because people’s concerns aren’t unfounded.
THE ACCUSED was charged with murder and, alternatively, manslaughter. In other words, if the killing was intentional then it is murder, but if it was the result of an unlawful act, then it is manslaughter. Both charges carry life imprisonment as a penalty.
THE OTHER day I caught the tail end of a conversation between Prime Minister Henry Puna and Kave Korero radio talkback host Tony Hakaoro and heard Tony questioning the prime minister on Government support for the Merchant of Paradise (MoP) Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for the Cook Islands.
RECENTLY, I decided to make a tiny promise to myself about fitness - a promise so small I knew I could easily keep it – to do 10 tummy tightener exercises before I get out of bed in the morning. They’re like lazy sit-ups. I just lie there and clench my stomach muscles.
Dr TEINA Rongo works for the Climate Change Division at the Office of the Prime Minister.
WALKING down the main road in Amuri I bumped into two American tourists having an ice cream.
Richard Moore is an award-winning journalist and photographer, now residing on Rarotonga, a senior journalist on at CI News.
KIA ORANA tatou katotoa, i te aro’a maata o to tatou Atua.
Aitutaki-based counsellor and CI News columnist Thomas Wynne looks at a school on Hawaii that is showing the way forward in education, thanks to a bequest made long in the past.
WHEN PEOPLE are asked what really matters in life, they often say “To be happy”.
THE SEARCH for evidence of petrels and shearwaters on Rarotonga continues.
OUR RECONSTRUCTION of the crime scene was that the deceased was woken up when someone walked into his bedroom.
Last week’s Vaimaanga shootings are a wakeup call for all of us.
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