Dear Editor, As far as I see it, the PM Mark Brown is doing more work than anyone else in government, and I don’t mean blowing rubbish and cutting hedges on the side of the road.
Dear Editor, I was appalled and disgusted by the op-ed by Ruta Mave that shamed and held women in-part accountable for the ongoing domestic violence against them. The views expressed were harsh and totally naive to the realities of domestic violence.
The test of any government is how it deals with day-to-day issues that affect all of a population.
Dear Editor, For months/years I and other neighbouring properties on the back road in Pokoinu, have had to put up with residents from a side road that is not serviced by the weekly rubbish collectors, leaving their domestic (and sometimes other rubbish) on the intersection of Aremaki Road and the Back Road, in Pokoinu.
Charity should begin at home but often the poor ones give the most help, and the rich ones use it as an election campaign, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, Here’s a question that I keep asking myself, why is it that we seem to be vote buying at every election and despite several court cases, the evidence has been found wanting. Yet we know damn well that it goes on. I have personally experienced this myself in my last campaign in 2022.
I was fortunate to sit on two paepae this week – one for the funeral of the Māori King, Tūheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII, whose daughter, Ngā Wai Hono i te Pō, was crowned with a Bible soon afterward, and another for those who were abused by another crown, where the Bible was sometimes used not to bless but to curse, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, As part of the Te Mato Vai Project mains upgrade, linkages were made between the inner and outer mains. The theory was to enable better water distribution.
Dear Editor, Pardon me Mr Editor! Starting with the thought to write this letter comes with mix emotions and believe me, if any reader can understand my point, then Amen and God Bless your hearts. Let me begin by advising you all that I will be signing off as a ‘Landowner’ as this reflects to personal conflicts towards the organisation involved – To Tatou Vai.
Dear Editor, E Kura teia ki te Kopapa akaaere o “To Tatou Vai”, e pera te Minita Ngateitei Albert Nicholas, I teia Monite i topa ua ake nei (Ra 19 Aukute), kua aravei atu au i te Tama Akatere’au o te Kopapa Akaaere o te TTV koia a Tereapii Timoti, e pera tetai mema i runga i teia kopapa koia a Sam Napa Snr.
Did you know Father’s Day is September which is nine months before Mother’s Day in May. That pretty much speaks for itself, writes Ruta Mave.
A father is far more powerful in the life of a child than he may ever know. He is their role model, their primary source of self-esteem, the standard for their ideals in life, their protector, their teacher, and their mentor.
The recent lack of rain fall, and therefore water pressure, and the proposed water tariffs, have combined to make a perfect storm of the topic of water usage, evidenced by recent headlines and articles in the printed press and (I understand) significant discussion/debate on social media, writes Mike Carr.