Dear Editor, As far as I see it, the PM Mark Brown is doing more work than anyone else in government, and I don’t mean blowing rubbish and cutting hedges on the side of the road.
Dear Editor, I was appalled and disgusted by the op-ed by Ruta Mave that shamed and held women in-part accountable for the ongoing domestic violence against them. The views expressed were harsh and totally naive to the realities of domestic violence.
At this season of my life, I have a longing for order and simplicity.
People have asked me what I know about being a unionist.
I had the privilege of voting today as a New Zealand citizen, because I was born in New Zealand and have a New Zealand passport.
I found Mark Brown’s article in CI News on September 21 quite interesting.
It seems I overestimated expected objections to the Merchant of Paradise (MOP) Paradise Prosperity Plan (PPP).
In most governments, Cabinet ministers are strictly forbidden to have conflicts of interest.
Prime minister Henry Puna last week referred to my column, written two weeks earlier, as “a pathetic attempt to discredit this government”.
If you have been reading a number of my articles over the last few months, you will note that I have raised a number of issues regarding the treatment of foreign workers by Cook Islands employers.
International Peace Day is being proclaimed by the United Nations on September 21.
It was interesting reading in CI News yesterday comments made by a tourist from New Zealand complaining about the chickens and chicken poo everywhere on Rarotonga.
Merchant of Paradise director Tim Tepaki has delivered a broadside to critics of his plan to create new developments on the outer islands and resurrect the Sheraton hotel project. Here he outlines why he believes the critics have got it all wrong.
A lady relative of mine died last Thursday morning.
Sitting on a large craggy rock next to me she began to quietly sing, a soft gentle waiata, an imene that called us all standing there to a place without time.
When I first became aware the Ministry of Justice was planning a hearing in the Northern Group at the end of August primarily to determine ownership of the lands taken by warrant for the solar projects in the northern islands, I was quite concerned.
Love of family is a core virtue in Cook Islands Maori culture.
The Northern Group islands of Tongareva (Penrhyn), Manihiki and Rakahanga received a rare visit from the Land Court last week.
Recent inflammatory comments by the leader of the Democratic Party, Tina Browne, claiming that the Cook Islands Party government is misrepresenting the money it is spending to fund projects as being CIP money, are lacking in fact.
This week, 20 people from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cook Islands gathered at Tamanu Beach Resort for a retreat Dan and I gave on, “Living the Dream: Spiritual Practices for a Grace-filled Life”.
I remember sitting with the crew of Fa’afaite Vaka in 2015 who had sailed from Tahiti and as we sat together talking I could hear them all speaking French to each other and hardly any Maohi and I was saddened by the fact that colonisation had created this dilemma.
Rarotonga resident John Scott describes the frustrating battle he has had dealing with health authorities in New Zealand over care for his wife Tara, who suffers from severe dementia. Scott’s frank account also highlights the lack of appropriate facilities in the Cook Islands for those who suffer from mental conditions.
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