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STI cases on the rise

2 September 2024

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1 June 2024


Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘It’s time we listened to the science’

I write with a heavy heart, disappointed by the narrow-mindedness I see in some of my fellow Cook Islanders when it comes to seabed minerals exploration.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: SBMA ‘losing control’

I would like to speak as an environmentally concerned Cook Islander, hearing concerns raised by Dr Teina Rongo on Temu Okotai’s radio show yesterday morning (Monday).

When is a Cook Islander not a Cook Islander?

Te Tuhi Kelly says the answer to his question is when he/she is NZ Maori. This is the first of a two-part opinion piece.


Are we a failed democracy?

Norman George - lawyer Critical matters of State not to be messed with


Sunday flights referendum:

Wilkie Rasmussen – Cook Isands News columnist A necessary abuse of democracy Banning Sunday flights has been on the calling cards of some Aitutaki people.


Mollycoddling of children

I was reading an article recently regarding how we are not bringing up our children to have ‘resilience’. It reminded me of a number of references I have made on how parents in the Cook Islands are raising their children. One of those articles dealt with child abuse and the risk that this poses for us going forward.


Why has the law changed in respect of occupation rights?

The concept of occupation rights (simply a right to occupy a designated area of a block of land) was first introduced in the Cook Islands when the Land Court, just after the turn of the 20th century, established the “house sites” that line both sides of the main road in Avarua and in Arorangi.


Memories of a favourite teacher

Do you remember your favorite teacher?


Truthfulness the essential virtue

The virtue of Truthfulness is upheld in all sacred scriptures as an essential virtue. Telling the truth means that we keep our word.


Cook Islanders unwanted as solicitor general?

There was a fierce global debate some years ago at Universities, in particular in Commonwealth countries and the United States. It was whether to practise “preferential treatment” for people with different ethnic backgrounds from say “pakeha” in New Zealand.


New year chance 'to make all things new'

I love new beginnings - a new year, the first day of school, a birthday. It is a chance to start over, “to make all things new.” (Revelations 21:5)


Parliament now a social event notice board

Parliament sat and rose after two measly days of sitting. It would be fair to say, it was simply a waste of time.


Critics, time to eat your hearts out!

Friday, December 18, marks the crowning event in a story of unflinching determination, commitment and daring, to open what could be the largest building in the Cook Islands, Te Patupaepae o Enuamanu, Enuamanu III.


'Santa from Hell' faces day of reckoning

We Cook Islanders like to be renowned for our kindness, God-fearing Christian saintliness and for being civil to one another.


Family Law Bill could do with additions

I do not expect the important Family Law Bill to be put before Parliament for the two-day maximum priority Christmas party sitting of Parliament next week.


Same-sex debate galvanises opinions

I want to expand on a topic which I touched on briefly previously.


Homecoming on my mind.

Dan and I are beyond ready to complete our long trip away and come home to Paradise.


Budget grab could be disaster too

By Norman George, lawyer


Caring for our elders vitally important

While we are traveling outside the Cook Islands, I rely on friends emailing or messaging me with news from home.


Civil defence failure is shameful

By Norman George, Lawyer “Rarotonga, we have a problem.” A spate of recent drownings and what appears to be the systematic failure of the police and other emergency services to react on time is catastrophic, shameful and inexcusable.


A weekend to remember

Norman George - laywer Sometimes it is glorious to be away and isolated- protected by the Pacific Ocean. Events this last weekend around the world is a mixture of horror and glory.


Avatiu MP faces difficult decisions

A week can be a long time in politics.


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