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STI cases on the rise

2 September 2024

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TB cases detected

1 June 2024


Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘It’s time we listened to the science’

I write with a heavy heart, disappointed by the narrow-mindedness I see in some of my fellow Cook Islanders when it comes to seabed minerals exploration.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: SBMA ‘losing control’

I would like to speak as an environmentally concerned Cook Islander, hearing concerns raised by Dr Teina Rongo on Temu Okotai’s radio show yesterday morning (Monday).

Chance to appreciate the women in our lives

We set aside one day a year to celebrate mothers. My husband and I send roses to his mother, now nearly 90.


Achievement list sadly short

Pretend to be a CIP Member of Parliament or a cabinet minister. Ask yourself this question, “What accomplishments have we achieved in two terms of governance?”


Traditional leaders 'way out of line'

I may be treading on eggshells here.


Our sacred trust to care for the islands

One way to think of the place where one lives is that it is a sacred trust.


Tongareva gold rush an illusion

I have a confession to make.


Mindfulness key to savouring life

Last night, instead of accompanying my husband Dan to the beach where he takes his nightly sunset photos, I opted to stay home and watch a video, one I had seen before.


Obsolete offences a fascinating read

There are some quite interesting offences left over from old times whose useful purposes have long gone. I will highlight both useful and obsolete examples.


How the criminal law system works

Our criminal law system works around the police who enforce the law.


Outdates laws urgently need change

I will briefly highlight Cook Islands laws that are out of date, then recommend some changes.


There surely is a state of flux in our political game

The Government has depressed CIP loyal supporters. It has also angered voters by its arrogance and “who cares” attitude.


Time to reinvent our legal system

Due to the lack of progress in attending to the modernisation of our laws, the shadow of crisis is never far away. We are 40 years behind New Zealand with most of our laws.


What policemen do when they retire

Judge Justice Dame Judith Potter returned to New Zealand last week.


Easter a potent symbol of hope

Easter is coming, a holy season for many faiths.


Election results and what they mean

I must take my hat off to the Prime Minister.


Make sure you're playing the right game

What if you had a dream of being a great athlete – the strongest and fastest rugby player, the most successful netball player -- a true champion of the game?


US elections and our flying leader

The Republican candidates in the US presidential election have demonstrated in the last six months that these campaigns are certainly not for the weak and faint-hearted.


Traditional lore reduced to low status

With all the recent discussions over the Mato Vai water project I thought it timely to write about the low status given to Cook Islands traditional lore.


The joy of whole-hearted excellence

When we think about a business, whether a shop, a hospital, or a service we hire someone to do, what stands out in our minds is the rare individual who brings his or her whole heart and soul to work.


When politicians fail to meet expectations

Politics is a game for gentlemen and ladies.


Names pose dilemma for officialdom

We find that the dilemma facing officialdom is in the recording of our tupuna names.


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