As we celebrate 60 years of self governance, with the theme “Kua kite au i toku turanga, e avaiki toku – I know who I am, I have a homeland” – we also reflect on significant moments for us as a country, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
The care with which the TCA is managed is clear, preserving its unique ecosystems and biodiversity, writes Gemma Langley.
This is a crisp, concise column. And there’s a reason for that. Because here in the Cooks, we all have plenty of work to get on with.
Nothing is more painful and tormenting than violent crimes against children. God’s greatest creation, humankind, begins with children.
Presidents and Prime Ministers alike, no-one is above the law. None can disregard the founding laws that were put in place to protect husbands and wives, parents and children, employers and their staff.
Dear editor, Given that the Cook Islands is supposedly a country that advocates equal opportunities for both sexes, I was a bit surprised to see three classified ads earlier this week that specifically asked for males.
Picture yourself in circumstances of crushed freedom. Sometimes unable to see the sun for days. Unable to see the moon and the stars for years as you are locked up in cells at night.
When you are born there are 270 of them and by the time you die if you have lived a long life this decreases to about 206.
Four months ago, our country was exposed to a large number of critical problems: from the growing use of methamphetamine or “P”, to the need for rest homes for the elderly, to the need for psychiatric professionals to treat drug addicts and dementia sufferers. Add the lack of doctors for the outer islands, and we were ready to press the ejector seat and parachute down to safety.
As convicted killer Ngaakitai Taria seeks forgiveness, we must think of the family of the boy he abused – and speak up to ensure no child suffers in silence ever again.
Grief is an unwelcome guest that soon arrives after death has left the room. Grief, that ominous shadow that dark shadow that follows us as we go about our day. Tears the sure sign that grief has embraced us, as we walk, as we go about our day as we think we have somehow got over the loss of someone we love, though we know deep in our heart we will never get over it, and instead it is something we will learn in time to live with.
Aloha! After a week of hustle and bustle for the US visa, I finally made it to Honolulu, Hawaii, for the first leg of the East West Center’s Pacific Islands Journalism Reporting Tour, funded by the US State Department.
I bought a book called The Wicked Wit of Winston Churchill while passing through London. Enjoy…
We must be careful and mindful of the choices we make. They have consequences. If you hadn’t noticed, the world is changing and changing very, very quickly and sometimes that change happens so fast we don’t always have time to consider it well before that change is made.
Cook Islands has become the latest country to ratify the Kigali Amendment to phase down the use of Hydrofluorocarbons.
There comes a time when the political rhetoric and scripts no longer excite; they have become worn out repeats.
OPINION: Thomas Wynne went to hospital with a sore back; he came out with a heart problem. He calls on men to start talking about their health.
Cook Islanders spend a lot of time and money flying to New Zealand for healthcare.
I think seared tuna is a God-given miracle. I love a pork stir-fry. And there’s still something comforting about an old-fashioned roast chicken on a cold night.
OPINION: Workers were hard at it yesterday, cleaning the rubble and clearing the scrub from a parcel of land overlooking Aitutaki Lagoon.
OPINION: After Sir Thomas Davis’ reign, he was succeeded by Sir Pupuke Robati. When the Democratic Party lost the general election in 1989, the Cook Islands Party won with Sir Geoffrey Henry as Prime Minister. He led for 10 years.
OPINION: Over the past months, I’ve heard a few stories of people patiently working their way through the courts to win their corner of paradise.
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