The Sift column has always equipped itself an investigative role by an in-depth study of critical issues, involving the public interest. In other words, it will sift and sieve the facts like turning over riverbed pebbles and shingles to look for gold. Once gold is struck, there is a loud exclamation, “Gotcha!”
Let us disagree, and disagree strongly, but never should we let go of each other in the process and see each other as enemies.
Nelson Mandela once said, “leaders will have to give clear and decisive leadership towards a world of tolerance and respect for difference”.
Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things of sodomy, let’s talk about sex! Or so the song goes – is that what we are talking about with the laws criminalising same-sex relations?
The Democratic Party conference was loaded with metamorphic changes.
A list of names was left on my desk, six names of students I had to urgently meet, left by the departing school counsellor in 2011. One I would later find had suicidal tendencies, three were just struggling to be in a larger school, one had been sexually assaulted by a family member and one was gay.
Opponents on both side of the same-sex law reform debate agree on one thing: the real concern is abuse and violence.
Pause for a moment and ask yourself, how did our ancestors survive when they got sick? Don’t say they never got sick, they did. How were they treated?
The Cook Islands Christian Church’s National Conference was held in Atiu. Hundreds descended on the island.
Our people have not all fared well in their voyaging to Aotearoa and to Australia – but now things are beginning to change.
My first visit to Raro will be her last.
All democratic systems are guided by the rule of law. When this is broken a cascade of chaos follows. High drama and public showboating are displayed openly by the actors responsible, some of them basking in the glow of their newfound glory!
Our Cook Islands communities on either side of the ocean have never been closer. The recognition of leaders like Glenda Tuaine Newport, Niki Rattle, Mama Tuki and her daughter Elizabeth Wright-Koteka.
Dear editor, It’s deeply heartening to see community leaders now coming together to make the wearing of crash helmets mandatory for all.
The offer of a free patrol boat from Australia by Prime Minister Bob Hawke came as a pleasant surprise for us in 1985. We had longed to engage the Asian fishing pirates who raided our ocean and uninhabited islands like Suwarrow, Manuae and Takutea to steal our fish and shell fish.
The nine funerals I have been to in the time I have lived here are nine I can never forget, and more so for the families left in their wake.
EDITORIAL: This weekend, my friend David and I absconded. We shirked all home and childcare responsibility and climbed up the valley behind Avatiu to Te Rua Manga.
In the 30 years that I have been practicing law in the criminal bar, I have come across a variety of individuals. The snappy chatty know-alls usually are the “con artists,” the drug dependent pickle brained “where am I type?”
This is a crisp, concise column. And there’s a reason for that. Because here in the Cooks, we all have plenty of work to get on with.
Nothing is more painful and tormenting than violent crimes against children. God’s greatest creation, humankind, begins with children.
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