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Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘It’s time we listened to the science’

I write with a heavy heart, disappointed by the narrow-mindedness I see in some of my fellow Cook Islanders when it comes to seabed minerals exploration.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: SBMA ‘losing control’

I would like to speak as an environmentally concerned Cook Islander, hearing concerns raised by Dr Teina Rongo on Temu Okotai’s radio show yesterday morning (Monday).

What's happening to our community?

It’s a question many have been asking lately: What has become of our community?


Finance minister should restrain himself

Goodness me, I must have struck a raw nerve to cop such a barrage of abuse from the Finance minister last week.


Living the dream in paradise, with gratitude

I love writing about “Living the Dream,” because every day I feel gratitude and awe that my husband and I are here in Paradise doing just that.


Ivirua loyalties plain

The people of Ivirua have spoken. They have chosen to remain loyal to their Democratic party.


Struggling with doubt? Welcome to humanity!

I was sitting with my wife this week and talking frankly about areas of doubt that I struggle with.


Abuses of power must be resisted

In my CINews column last week, I urged the public not to allow the Cook Islands to become a one-party country.


Court to head north after 50-year absence

I believe the last time the Land Court sat in the Northern Cooks was some 50 years ago.


Angels the messengers of divine wisdom

Do you believe in angels?


What is faith and what is fact?

CI News correspondent ‘Unionist’ has created plenty of interest and controversy with his frequent letters about workers’ rights. This week, following the controversial visit to Rarotonga of a group belonging to what has been described as a sect, “Unionist” turns his attention to the subject of faith.


Flag row raises questions about process

There has been much talk around the change made by the House of Ariki to our national anthem, and the inclusion of the “coined” or transliterated English words “Cook Islands” or Kuki Airani.


The road to success for the Demo Party

Flattery does not work for me, especially when it is unbelievably exaggerated.


Meaningful gift a real surprise

When I went to visit an elderly neighbour, I called out, tapped on the door. “Just a minute,” she said, and then welcomed me in.


Winning votes far from easy

The total number of voters for the Ivirua by-election is 80.


Church silent on issue of child abuse

Often, young children are abused by adults they know, and this has happened for decades.


The virtues of happy marriage

When I thank someone here for excellence, whether in music, dance, cleaning or cuisine, people often say “Still learning.”


Celebrating 52 years of Self- Government

We have an interesting history in how we became called the Cook Islands and indeed how we ended up with 15 islands making up the Cook Islands.


Rights come with responsibilities

In New Zealand in 1994 they put into Law the Bill of Rghts outlining the rights of all its citizens and what they were entitled to.


'God the mother' sect cops flak

Yesterday’s front page news story highlighting the presence of a Quasi-Christian sect currently on Rarotonga has caused a stir in religious quarters — with people questioning the organisation’s unconventional beliefs.


Demos had hand in vital legislation

Last week, when Parliament rose after possibly making up for the time it did not sit during the two terms of this Cook Islands Party, three pieces of legislation stood out for me.


The blessings of living the dream

“Living the Dream”is a phrase commonly used here in the Cook Islands.


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