The scriptures that lead our lives are clear: a person’s life is known by its fruit, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
"When executive government flaunts existing regulations; NES and the Ombudsman are unable to execute their duties; and public petitions are routinely derailed, we don’t need new laws. We need law enforcement."
Thanks to Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) for the background information and for outlining how a moratorium would allow time for us to achieve many other goals like establishing Marae Moana zones and aligning with the UN’s strategy. Serious question though, other than supporting other NGO’s who call for the same thing, what actual steps would […]
There is nothing short-term about the wealth we have sitting at the bottom of our ocean – 5kms deep. Billions of tons of God’s blessings sitting there, more than enough to provide for many generations of our people. Look at places like Norway, great example of how they have harnessed their natural resources, harvested responsibly […]
I’m a Cook Islander and also a naturalized US Citizen and I voted in the US election. I can’t wait until this is over. America is so divided right now. It definitely affects us in Hawaii because we are one of the 50 States in the Union. Hawaii has been a Blue State (Democrat) for […]
OPINION: It interests me, why people view the moon negatively, when we use it so often for tides, fishing and planting.
OPINION: It is a lack of education and self-interest that is getting our politicians up kaka creek without a paddle, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, the founder of Progressive Party of the Cook Island.
OPINION: Much has been made of the desirability of a ‘trans-Tasman’ bubble with quarantine-free air travel as a priority. There are compelling reasons for this idea and it is politically difficult to ignore.
OPINION: There will be stories told about the time of ‘the coronavirus’ for decades to come; just as there were about the flu pandemic which spread around the world in 1918-19, infecting an estimated 500 million people – a third of the world population at the time.
OPINION: The most dishonourable thing that can happen in the underworld of mobsters and gangsters is betrayal, writes Norman George.
OPINION: If you want a lot done for nothing you need a volunteer, writes Ruta Tangiiau Mavé.
OPINION: Covid-19 is hitting older people hardest. My friends, my relatives, even I may not survive this pandemic, writes Derek Fox.
I don’t know for sure, but I would almost bet a dollar, that it’s almost impossible – anywhere in the world – to get through the day without hearing, reading or seeing something about Covid-19, the coronavirus that is sweeping the world.
A village raises a child, because parents can’t be everywhere, but where is the village when we need them most?
OPINION: MPs deserve their pay rise – and by the same measure, so do the teachers who hold our future in their hands.
OPINION: Deep-sea minerals aren’t all the same, and the tools used to harvest them are very different from one corner of the ocean to another. In Cook Islands, the focus is on environmental and economic sustainability – and that sets it apart from more harmful seabed mining practices, contends new Seabed Minerals Commissioner Alex Herman.
OPINION: Study at home incentives and student loans are a step in the right direction to bring our young people back to fulfil the dream of a Cook Islands filled with our people, their talent and skills.
OPINION: From environmental awards to internet speeds, with so much that is fake in the world today, we must take responsibility for ensuring our perceptions reflect reality.
OPINION: Vodafone Cook Islands uses the SES O3b satellite constellation. John Turnbull from SES argues the future for island nations is satellite, not undersea cable.
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