As we celebrate 60 years of self governance, with the theme “Kua kite au i toku turanga, e avaiki toku – I know who I am, I have a homeland” – we also reflect on significant moments for us as a country, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
The care with which the TCA is managed is clear, preserving its unique ecosystems and biodiversity, writes Gemma Langley.
Anzac Day, resplendent in its red poppies, marks the anniversary of the first key military action fought by Australia and New Zealand forces during the First World War. In 1915 The Anzac soldiers formed part of the allied expedition which set out to capture Constantinople, now named Istanbul, in Turkey. They landed at Gallipoli on April 25 and met fierce resistance.
Perspective is shaped not only by what you see but also by where you are looking from, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
"... on the fictitious grounds that consumers wanted a choice, cheaper prices, and that excessive profits were being made, Government, in 2014 decided to hammer the final nail in the coffin and abandon the protection that had been in place for the previous 29 years."
It’s often the little things that can have the most meaningful impact – stopping in to check on your elderly neighbour, dropping off some fruit for your child’s teammates at sports practice, or making up the difference when the person in front of you at the supermarket is short of change, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.
There is a new sheriff in town. Carl Hunter, as the new Public Service Commissioner, has brought to light two cases of interest that previously may have been swept under the carpet. What will it mean for the Government if ministers and heads of ministry are made accountable?
Depopulation, addressing the poor lowly minimum wage, or the dependency on a single tourism income stream as a source of national income, are not new issues, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Te Ipukarea Society has recently welcomed a new project officer to help with their environmental campaigns. Here Terena Koteka-Wiki tells a little about herself, and the journey that led her to where she is today.
"The ongoing debate over this matter has been hurtful to all families and makes it difficult for them to move on..."
There is a much greater risk than Covid-19 entering the Cook Islands if a travel bubble does not start soon, writes Dr John Dunn.
Has your pet got an itch to scratch? Dr Ellen McBryde, the lead veterinarian at Te Are Manu Charity Vet Clinic, has the answers to your problem.
"The purpose of PACl is to remove dirt and harmful viruses and bacteria from the water. Diversion will help collect clearer water, however it doesn’t address the need to remove all viruses and bacteria..."
"Keeping our position fluid certainly does not translate to a full-blown agreement with how the government is proceeding with its seabed mining exploration and potential mining," writes Democratic Party Opposition Leader Tina Pupuke Browne.
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