As we celebrate 60 years of self governance, with the theme “Kua kite au i toku turanga, e avaiki toku – I know who I am, I have a homeland” – we also reflect on significant moments for us as a country, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
The care with which the TCA is managed is clear, preserving its unique ecosystems and biodiversity, writes Gemma Langley.
Former Te Ipukarea Society staff member, Liam Kokaua, shares his experience working for the Society, and his current work in Aotearoa
There are examples of countries that when their leaders retired, they handed over the top job to their wives. Are we seeing this in the Cook Islands now? By Wilkie Rasmussen
"Because when everyone got the internet and power subsidies, all government workers got an unintended pay rise."
The opening of our border with New Zealand will see much-needed tourism dollars flow to every one of our islands, both directly and indirectly through government projects and economic support, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.
Good people with good hearts are being run by incompetence and nepotism up high. They work for the man or the ministry, and the man and the ministry work them to death, writes Ruta Tangiiau Mave.
It’s hard for this current generation to believe that there was a time in the world when you hopped on a plane and they asked you whether you wanted to sit in the smoking section or the non-smoking section, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Apart from the very real concern about the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining on our ocean ecosystem, there remains many serious technological difficulties to overcome, writes Te Ipukarea Society.
"Why should egg eaters have to pay higher prices to support one business? The answer? They shouldn’t."
Desexing (a.k.a. spaying, neutering, fixing, sterilising, castrating) has the obvious benefit of population control by reducing unwanted or unnecessary pregnancies, but there is more to it than meets the eye. Dr Ellen McBryde of Te Are Manu Veterinary Clinic discusses why we desex our dogs and cats.
As a lawyer, a wife, mother and grandmother, too often I have seen the unpleasant side to our culture where we have quietly or silently given permission to or allowed behaviour to simply go unchecked and unchallenged, writes Opposition leader Tina Pupuke Browne.
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