If the recent private prosecution against PM Mark Brown and former MP Henry Puna proves anything it is this; the ordinary citizen of this country has the freedom to seek recourse through the courts to address matters of concern regarding the government.
Dear Editor My response to the Chamber of Commerce’s chief executive comments re “there is no scientific reason to delay” (the opening of the border for two-way quarantine-free travel between New Zealand and Cook Islands) in Thursday’s edition of Cook Islands News (What’s the hold-up Jacinda?), is that, I would rather be safe, than sorry.
The appointment of former Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna as the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum is watched with interest from the corridors of power in New Delhi. By Balaji Chandramohan.
"... when it suits Mr Brown and Parliament, they can move with speed especially when it suits their purposes and yet this same swiftness to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of our LGBTQI community sits in the dark."
Ready when you are. That’s the message the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce has for New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her government when it comes to opening the borders for two-way quarantine-free travel between the two countries.
Mailbox for Wednesday March 24, 2021
This week in his fortnightly column, Prime Minister Mark Brown talks about the country’s financial future – looking ahead to when borders open fully with New Zealand and also beyond as work begins on a recovery plan to restore Cook Islands economy to where it was pre-Covid.
The differences between man and woman have been explained, described and immortalised, forever. Still, we’re surprised after the honeymoon ‘this is not the same person you dated when you were single’, writes Ruta Tangiiau Mave.
"The recent statements by the Government and Opposition on seabed minerals (SBM) development, and the NGO reactions it garnered is a watershed moment."
We are in the middle of a pandemic and our hospital is ill equipped to handle any coronavirus case if “God forbid” it arrives here.
Dear Editor It’s concerning that after a visit to the northern Cook Islands, the Democratic Party is willing to change their position on the international proposal for a 10-year moratorium on seabed mining.
Ultimately, we stand before the judgement of public opinion and ultimately a Judge that will judge us on our life, our thoughts and our decisions and then it won’t matter how much money we have or the position we hold.
The issue for our country since 1965 has never been what we have been given. It has instead been how those resources and opportunities have been managed. By Tina Pupuke Browne.
They say practice makes perfect, but they’re wrong. Perfect practice makes perfect, writes Ruta Mave.
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