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Letters to the Editor

Letter: Intersection of faith and environment

Whilst visiting family in Christchurch recently, Andrew and I learned the focus of this year’s World Day of Prayer is for the Cook Islands. Friends visited to ask us to sing the Lord’s Prayer in Cook Islands Maori for them to play at their combined service in Darfield on March 7th.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Next empire built on nepotism?

Dear Editor, It is most encouraging to read some of the details of the Chinese and Japanese inter-island vessels to be operated by government.


OPINION: Focus on reducing barriers to private sector success, PM says

A recession is not the time to cut government spending, it is a time when government is expected to front up and stimulate the economy, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


LETTER: Sludge: The ‘cart’ has already bolted

"The PMU (Project Management Unit) have yet to substantiate claims of safety with peer-reviewed, long-term studies of the impacts of disposing of aluminium sludge to agricultural soils (let alone in the tropics)."

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Be an upstanding citizen, say no to bullying

Those who say sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you have never been held to ransom by a verbal bully, writes Ruta Tangiiau Mave, highlighting the ongoing discrimination faced by the LGBTQ+ community.


OPINION: Thank you Te Marae Ora and New Zealand

No matter what you believe or not, we must take advantage of the vaccination rollout programme to protect ourselves and each other from a virus that continues to ravage parts of the world, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.



LETTER: Supervised isolation and quarantine fee

CI News letter writer asks if there are separate costs for those who choose not to receive a Covid-19 vaccine.

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Celebrating Maine Mura on World Menstrual Hygiene Day

For some women, menstruation is an inconvenience they don’t give much thought to. But for many it can be a dreaded week with stigma attached. It can also be expense and sometimes uncomfortable, resulting in missed school or work. By Te Ipukarea Society.


OPINION: Political convenience ahead of proper engineering

I remember the wise late Professor Papa Ron Crocombe prophesize that in future if we continue our tendency to build on flat, or undulating rich planting land, floods will occur. He is absolutely right, writes Wilkie Rasmussen.



OPINION: Cats gone wild

This week, Te Are Manu team, Aitutaki Community Cat Programme, and Aitutaki Animal Rescue are running a cat desexing programme in Aitutaki. In her fortnightly column, Dr Ellen McBryde explains why are initiatives like this so important.


LETTER: Resident calls for consultations after flooding

"I have told anyone who wants to listen – including the MP recently – that to alleviate flooding in the area, a plan needs to be thought out which takes into consideration everything between the mountain and the sea outlet near the Avarua Catholic church."

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Serving the nation with integrity

Politics itself is not a dirty game. Politics is actually about governance, and good governance is about the ability to lead and govern well with integrity and transparency, writes Opposition leader Tina Pupuke Browne.


OPINION: After 14 months, first impressions matter

CI News columnist Ruta Tangiiau Mave says we had a whole year to revamp our systems and get them sorted before last week's inaugural bubble flight. It was planned and advertised as the best thing since fried taro, and she says we failed.


LETTER: The pillars of good governance are transparency and accountability

Dear Editor, I write in in response to Mr Enoka’s letter ‘To sludge or not’ (Cook Islands News, Wednesday May 19, 2021). The pillars of good governance are transparency and accountability. Laws and regulations apply to the public, our government, and landowners alike. A confidential application to the Rarotonga Environment Authority for a temporary PACl […]

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Electric Vehicle rally celebrates green tech

The first ever Rarotonga Electric Car (EV) Rally is being held Sunday starting from the new Constitution Park in Avarua township at 3pm, writes Te Ipukarea Society.


LETTERS: Sacrificing trees for political gain?

Are trees getting cut down for safety or for political gain? asks a CI News letter writer.

Letters to the Editor


OPINION: Totally reliant on the Golden Goose

By Jove, like it or not, I was one of those who loved it. I celebrated quietly and sucked in a different air, an air of freedom and lordship over the land and waters, writes Wilkie Rasmussen.



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