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LETTER: Minimum wage freeze slammed

"Now government can’t even agree to increase the basic wage above $8 per hour and yet these ‘little people’ are the very ones who are carrying the economy because they spend all their wages every week on just existing."

Letters to the Editor


OPINION: A matter of when, not if, Covid-19 arrives in the Cook Islands

Uncomfortable though it may be for some, is it really unreasonable to call for full vaccination before the borders open? By Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.


OPINION: Living with nature an inspiration

Living off the grid with limited power and internet might seem a little farfetched to some. But visiting June and Andrew Hosking's self-sustaining homestead in Mauke really does get you thinking twice about off the grid possibilities of day-to-day living. By Te Ipukarea Society.



LETTERS: Barking up the wrong tree

"Your correspondent’s great faith in PM Arden is touching but misplaced. Personally, I feel her attitude is the main barrier to both travel and vaccination, which could occur concurrently and safely tomorrow."

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: ‘Our lives matter more’, says lawyer Norman George over Covid response

"Prime Minister (Mark) Brown and his Chamber of Commerce buddies want to open our border to New Zealand tourists on May 1. This is a massive decision for a small group of people to make."

Letters to the Editor

Learning life lessons by setting goals

What comes first – the chicken or the egg? An age-old question which like the egg itself has no beginning or end, similarly, the idea of a rabbit distributing eggs, writes Ruta Mave.


Working together to overcome obstacles to recover and grow

Last week we shared with New Zealand officials the reality on the state of our economy and the interventions required to support our economic recovery in the coming months, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


Leaving behind a legacy

Life and death are certainties none of us can avoid, and though we all know we are headed for the dust; we don’t always live remembering that reality, writes Thomas Wynne.


Turning waste into business on Mauke

The end of life of the products we buy, the waste and rubbish, in the pa enua has become an increasing problem. End of pipeline management practices can no longer be the number one solution to waste.




PET TALK: Caring for your new puppy or kitten

You’ve just adopted a new family member, what next? In the first edition of this fortnightly column, Dr Ellen McBryde, the lead veterinarian at Te Are Manu Charity Vet Clinic, provides some vital tips.


LETTER: ‘PM Brown giving us false hope’

"I believe Mark Brown is misleading our anxious and desperate business sector, all the people in our country who are hurting financially and giving us false hope."

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Democratic Party calls for vaccine before travel bubble

To the New Zealand government, the Cook Islands Opposition is appealing for the Covid-19 vaccine to be rolled out here for our 17,000 people before the two-way travel bubble opens between our two countries, writes Opposition leader Tina Browne.


Letter: Key questions on seabed mining

Dear Editor, The Seabed Minerals Commissioner’s letter on Monday (March 22) didn’t answer the question of what potential risks to the environment from mining were presented to communities in the pa enua.

Letters to the Editor


OPINION: ‘Good decision is always based on knowledge’

Jacinda Ardern’s hardest decisions for us, are not between good and bad or right and wrong. But between two goods and two rights, writes Ruta TangiiauMave.


OPINION: Foreign values misunderstood, misrepresented as our own

Mata kite Mata, kanohi kite kanohi – nothing comes as intimate or as powerful as the face to face meetings between, families, friends, or foes, and that moment when you greet. Be it a shaking of hands and pat on the back or high five hand slap, or the powerfully moving gesture of the hongi.


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