Whilst visiting family in Christchurch recently, Andrew and I learned the focus of this year’s World Day of Prayer is for the Cook Islands. Friends visited to ask us to sing the Lord’s Prayer in Cook Islands Maori for them to play at their combined service in Darfield on March 7th.
Dear Editor, It is most encouraging to read some of the details of the Chinese and Japanese inter-island vessels to be operated by government.
Letters for Saturday June 12, 2021
Knowing as many of us do that in so many jurisdictions around the Pacific and at home, the subtle bribery of position or job and the benefit this can bring to a whole family can ‘quiet’ the need for justice, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Heartworm disease is a major health issue for dogs in the Cook Islands, but many pet owners remain unaware of its existence and severity. Dr Ellen McBryde explains.
Daily letters for Wednesday June 9, 2021
Daily letters for Tuesday June 8, 2021
It was a proud moment for the country when 20 years ago the Bank of the Cook Islands (BCI) began operations following the merger of the Cook Islands Development Bank and the Post Office Savings Bank. Yet high interest rates continue to plague borrowers in the Cook Islands, writes Opposition leader Tina Pupuke Browne.
Is the world going mad? Are we making mountains out of mole hills? Can we not say or do anything anymore without offending anyone and if we do must it be the worst thing in the world? By Ruta Mave.
Leaders in 2021 who connect, who are compassionate and are teachable and led, are leaders who have the tools and vision to voyage us through the storms, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
A 25th anniversary is known as a silver jubilee and this year sees Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) celebrating that significant milestone.
"On Thursday night, I attended the Puaikura public meeting on the amended To Tatou Vai Bill. The poor turnout suggests that the people have lost confidence in the process," writes Justine Flanagan from Te Vai Ora Maori
"Give me a loving, Christian, same sex married couple as my next door neighbours anytime over a raving hypocrite," says a CI News letter writer.
Describing herself as one of those pesky Kiwi’s that keep coming back to the Cook Islands, NZ-based freelance writer and artist Susan Allen is concerned about the local environment, and whether tourists are truly welcome.
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