Whilst visiting family in Christchurch recently, Andrew and I learned the focus of this year’s World Day of Prayer is for the Cook Islands. Friends visited to ask us to sing the Lord’s Prayer in Cook Islands Maori for them to play at their combined service in Darfield on March 7th.
Dear Editor, It is most encouraging to read some of the details of the Chinese and Japanese inter-island vessels to be operated by government.
We have things more to fear than Tangaroa and I would suggest that as Jesus said, the love of money is the core, the essence, and the root of evil – that is what we should be turning back from, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Already we are a third of the way into Plastic Free July and it is great to see so many activities happening around Rarotonga, writes Te Ipukarea Society.
Letters for July 10, 2021
Letters for July 9, 2021
Rarotonga’s roaming dogs are much loved by visitors and locals alike, but in their current numbers they’re becoming a nuisance and a hazard. To tackle this problem, Dr Ellen McBryde says we need to take responsibility for our pets and have them de-sexed to help control the island’s out-of-control dog and cat population.
Letters for July 7, 2021
We look to our traditional leaders to behave with dignity fitting of their position and we expect them to always have the best interest of our people foremost, writes Opposition Democratic Party leader Tina Pupuke Browne.
Letters for July 6, 2021
Letters for July 5, 2021
Living in Rarotonga in year-round temperate climate, surrounded by fertile soil, and empty growing lands, it astounds me and tourists how often and how long we go without certain foods when we have so much abundance to produce at our fingertips, writes Ruta Mave.
As many of us Cook Islanders watch from a distance the vaccine roll out from Rarotonga to Akatokomanava to now Nukuroa, the mighty arrow, the work of the Ministry of Health must be applauded as they protect our very vulnerable population from this global pandemic, especially as more people look to visit or simply return home.
Dear Editor, Usually, it’s someone else will say that you are good or have done something well. In this case, it’s the Prime Minister Mark Brown praising himself and government for the most expensive infrastructure project, (actual cost is unknown but this could be well over $95-100 million) and that’s the Te Mato Vai water project.
Letters for July 1, 2021
During the recent sitting of Parliament, two MPs from both side of the house tried to push forward the argument that if Covid-19 continues to affect the country’s financial situation, the forthcoming general elections should be delayed. Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party, says those MP’s haven’t done their homework.
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