Whilst visiting family in Christchurch recently, Andrew and I learned the focus of this year’s World Day of Prayer is for the Cook Islands. Friends visited to ask us to sing the Lord’s Prayer in Cook Islands Maori for them to play at their combined service in Darfield on March 7th.
Dear Editor, It is most encouraging to read some of the details of the Chinese and Japanese inter-island vessels to be operated by government.
Dear Editor It is important to set the record straight regarding Minister Mac Mokoroa’s statement (on Cook Islands News Facebook page) that dredging of “Muri Lagoon passage” wasn’t permitted to go ahead to allow for the 2008 Pacific Mini Games. The people of Ngatangiia should be congratulated for having the sense not to allow such an ill-conceived project to go ahead.
It saddens me that we are forced to look to foreign workers to fill our current labour shortage when maybe we could fill that with our own people, even if it were for three or six month contracts.
Everyone is wondering WTF? - Wheres the Fish? Anecdotally, across the Cook Islands people are talking about this big issues saying catches are low, even for this time of year, writes Te Ipukarea Society.
Letters for July 30, 2021
Letters for Thursday July 29, 2021
Letters for Wednesday July 28
Letters for July 27, 2021
Like me, you can’t have helped but notice that we are back in the visitor business again. No, we’re not back up to the sort of numbers we were getting pre-Covid, but they have been steadily growing, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.
After over a year and a half of offering our readers free access, cookislandsnews.com is going back to a subscription-based website this week.
In the Cook Islands before the missionaries came, we used local plants and rauti to cover our heads, necks, shoulders and hips. It was the missionaries who covered us from neck to toe with colonial clothes especially the muumuu, which was more like a nightdress formless and plain, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, A big shout out to all the Rarotongans who have been working so hard to welcome visitors back to the islands. We could see the work that has been going on behind the scenes over the 14 months when the borders were closed. The island is looking so good with so much work […]
The fruit of purpose is a fruit we can all eat from, unlike the fruit of self service and self-promotion which is bitter and rotten to the core, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
When Wes Tikiariki Roberts, the ‘Atiu Rocket’, led the Cook Islands team into the stadium in Tokyo during the Olympic Games official opening ceremony, Cook Islander hearts swelled with pride, and Australia was cheering him on as well, writes Dr Christopher Watkins, the Australian High Commissioner to Cook Islands.
The Marumaru Atua vaka is enroute to Suwarrow now, after visiting four northern group islands and Aitutaki so far. It carries with it a message of ocean health. One area the vaka is focusing on is oceans plastics, writes Te Ipukarea Society.
Letters for Saturday July 24
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