Whilst visiting family in Christchurch recently, Andrew and I learned the focus of this year’s World Day of Prayer is for the Cook Islands. Friends visited to ask us to sing the Lord’s Prayer in Cook Islands Maori for them to play at their combined service in Darfield on March 7th.
Dear Editor, It is most encouraging to read some of the details of the Chinese and Japanese inter-island vessels to be operated by government.
Letters for August 24, 2021
There is a common saying that goes – when the going gets tough, the tough get going! And this week was a good example of that saying, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.
Count your blessings, stop your bickering, there are people suffering who need your prayers, and your mindfulness to make the world a better place. We can think globally but we need to act locally, writes Ruta Mave.
The strength of our three pillars – our government, our Church and our traditional leaders – and how they interact with our lives affects everyone who calls themselves a Cook Islands Maori, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
In our recent vaka voyage to the Northern Group we were fortunate to see the native seabird Lulu (Masked Booby/ Sula dactylatra) nesting on a couple of the islets along the Seven Sisters in Suwarrow. By Te Ipukarea Society.
Letters for Friday August 20, 2021
Letters for Thursday August 19, 2021
Just like people, our pets require special care and attention as they enter their twilight years.
Letters for Wednesday August 18, 2021
Letters for Tuesday August 17, 2021
Something is not right with our education system and the teachers are fed up and have had enough, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party of the Cook Islands.
Letters for Monday August 16, 2021
Our long serving and long suffering teachers held the helm during the Covid disruptions last year, when times and circumstances added more strain for them to get our children through their necessary curriculum for their NCEA exams, writes Ruta Mave.
We are asking our teachers to give from the very little they have left, and simply, they deserve better wages and working conditions because our children deserve better, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
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