Letters for Monday September 20, 2021
Native to the Cook Islands and across the Pacific, the Rupe is found on most southern group islands including Palmerston, and Pukapuka and Manihiki in the north.
Dear Editor, The recent IUCN call for a moratorium on seabed minerals activities (SBM) highlights the shared concerns of the Government and civil society organisations such as IUCN and Te Ipukarea Society:
Be it Covid-19 or the need to vaccinate, or the exploration of our seabed and the minerals on its floor as announced by the government this week – it’s not a question of good science or quality research, this is instead a question of trust.
Letters for Friday September 17, 2021
Letters for Thursday September 16 2021.
Te Are Manu, in conjunction with the Dog Registration and Animal Control Committee (DR-ACC), will be hosting a desexing Clinic in each puna. This is all part of a wider plan to manage the ‘dog problem’ in Rarotonga, through sustainable dog population control and management. Dr Ellen McBryde explains.
Letters for Wednesday September 15, 2021
For yonks we have gone around in circles talking about diversifying our economy, lessening our reliance on tourism receipts, investing in agricultural enterprises, foreign investment and guess what, the clamour for change has fallen on deaf ears, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party of the Cook Islands.
Letters for Tuesday September 14, 2021
Letters for Monday September 13, 2021
Your decision can make luck, but luck can’t make your decision so always trust yourself, writes Ruta Mave.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature congress have voted in overwhelming support of a moratorium on deep sea mining, with support from 93 per cent of governments and NGOs part of the international group. This sends a very strong message to world leaders of the global concern around the potential environmental impacts of deep sea mining, writes Te Ipukarea Society.
Nothing at the moment can be more emotionally charged than our personal decisions and feelings around Covid-19, vaccination, vax passports, and our faith and trust in government and institutions, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
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