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7 December 2024

Church Talk



Virtues in Paradise: The best present you can give

Christmas is nearly here, and there is so much to do – preparing for visiting family, finding gifts for the children, serving the church, writes Linda Kavelin-Popov.


Coconut trees, too much of a good thing

Coconut trees are often called the ‘Tree of Life’ in the Cook Islands and other Pacific islands because every part of the tree is useful. But too many coconut trees can be a problem.

OPINION: Live and let live

Is the world going mad? Are we making mountains out of mole hills? Can we not say or do anything anymore without offending anyone and if we do must it be the worst thing in the world? By Ruta Mave.


OPINION: Are leaders born or made?

Leaders in 2021 who connect, who are compassionate and are teachable and led, are leaders who have the tools and vision to voyage us through the storms, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.


OPINION: From humble beginnings to Te Ipukarea Society’s silver jubilee

A 25th anniversary is known as a silver jubilee and this year sees Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) celebrating that significant milestone.



LETTER: To Tatou Vai being set up for ‘failure’

"On Thursday night, I attended the Puaikura public meeting on the amended To Tatou Vai Bill. The poor turnout suggests that the people have lost confidence in the process," writes Justine Flanagan from Te Vai Ora Maori

Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Hypocritical views on same-sex rights?

"Give me a loving, Christian, same sex married couple as my next door neighbours anytime over a raving hypocrite," says a CI News letter writer.

Letters to the Editor



OPINION: The Plight of the Kiwi and the Parrot Fish

Describing herself as one of those pesky Kiwi’s that keep coming back to the Cook Islands, NZ-based freelance writer and artist Susan Allen is concerned about the local environment, and whether tourists are truly welcome.



OPINION: Focus on reducing barriers to private sector success, PM says

A recession is not the time to cut government spending, it is a time when government is expected to front up and stimulate the economy, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


LETTER: Sludge: The ‘cart’ has already bolted

"The PMU (Project Management Unit) have yet to substantiate claims of safety with peer-reviewed, long-term studies of the impacts of disposing of aluminium sludge to agricultural soils (let alone in the tropics)."

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Be an upstanding citizen, say no to bullying

Those who say sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you have never been held to ransom by a verbal bully, writes Ruta Tangiiau Mave, highlighting the ongoing discrimination faced by the LGBTQ+ community.


OPINION: Thank you Te Marae Ora and New Zealand

No matter what you believe or not, we must take advantage of the vaccination rollout programme to protect ourselves and each other from a virus that continues to ravage parts of the world, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.



LETTER: Supervised isolation and quarantine fee

CI News letter writer asks if there are separate costs for those who choose not to receive a Covid-19 vaccine.

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Celebrating Maine Mura on World Menstrual Hygiene Day

For some women, menstruation is an inconvenience they don’t give much thought to. But for many it can be a dreaded week with stigma attached. It can also be expense and sometimes uncomfortable, resulting in missed school or work. By Te Ipukarea Society.


OPINION: Political convenience ahead of proper engineering

I remember the wise late Professor Papa Ron Crocombe prophesize that in future if we continue our tendency to build on flat, or undulating rich planting land, floods will occur. He is absolutely right, writes Wilkie Rasmussen.



OPINION: Cats gone wild

This week, Te Are Manu team, Aitutaki Community Cat Programme, and Aitutaki Animal Rescue are running a cat desexing programme in Aitutaki. In her fortnightly column, Dr Ellen McBryde explains why are initiatives like this so important.


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