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Letters to the Editor

Letter: The menace of fake customs in Cook Islands

The Cook Islands, with its rich cultural heritage and pristine natural beauty, has long been a beacon for tourists and researchers alike. However, in recent times, the islands have been plagued by a disturbing trend: the proliferation of fake customs and traditions.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Parliament calendar: 42 days pledged,12 delivered

Dear Editor, I must thank Mr. Moekaa for his recent reminder that our Parliament continues to dazzle us with its efficiency – or lack thereof – despite its ever-generous budget allocation and the ambitious calendar of sitting days it adopted with such gusto last year … the calendar that was supposed to keep Parliament glued to their seats for 42 days in 2024. I’m sure the MPs had every intention of working those days … until, well, they didn’t.

Celebrating bond between Australia and Cook Islands

This Australia Day, as Australian High Commissioner to Cook Islands Dr Chris Watkins gathers with ‘Cozzies’ for a sausage at Vaiana’s, and to sing the national anthem’s new words, he will be celebrating the mateship between Australia and the Cook Islands.


OPINION: It’s not what you know, it’s who you know

Is government’s financial assistance and funding going to the right people? Ruta Tangiiau Mave writes.


LETTER: Aboriginals don't mark January 26

"The arrival of large numbers of people from Britain started a catastrophic change for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations that had lived on the land for over 60,000 years; the oldest living culture on planet Earth. "

Letters to the Editor


"It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day"

Local letter writer welcomes the inauguration of Joe Biden as US President.

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: ‘Women are like butterflies … they can fly through a hurricane’

We’re in tough times, but we’re in the best of places. The irony is, now’s not the time to be ‘positive’, because you must test ‘negative’ to travel and survive, writes Ruta Mave.


Quarantine free travel into NZ welcomed

"The news that entry into NZ from Raro no longer requires quarantine has come just at the right time."

Letters to the Editor

‘Our reliance on New Zealand’

It is a watershed moment for both New Zealand and the Cook Islands that one-way quarantine free travel will begin, writes Thomas Wynne.


Uprooting and destruction of toa trees

"The uprooting and destruction of the toa trees on Monday and Tuesday will indeed go down as dark days in the history of Rangiatea."

Letters to the Editor

Environmental photography project captures Aitutaki

Over the course of three days in Aitutaki, Te Ipukarea Society carried out an environmental photography project with 16 members of “Aitutaki Youth With a Vision”. By Te Ipukarea Society intern, Jade Tierney


Prayer warriors take spiritual warfare walks

Letter writer Bishop Tutai Pere offers thanks to those who participated in the recent 'Spiritual Warfare' walks for drought-stricken Penrhyn island and for the rehabilitation of Muri lagoon.

Letters to the Editor

Letter writer takes issue with columnist over critique of Trump presidency

"The fact that President Trump has been banned on many Social Media Platforms speak volumes," a resident writes in response to a CI News opinion column by Ruta Mave.

Letters to the Editor

The state of Cook Islands democracy

"It seems it takes an American insurrection for us to focus on the state of our Cook Islands democracy."

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: The power of words

Individuals must take responsibility for the words they choose to use, because seditious words turn to violent actions. By Ruta Tangiiau Mave.


Letters to the Editor

OPINION: ‘It takes courage to disagree with the government’

There is a moving scene from 2020 that struck me deeply. I will carry it with me for a long time, writes Opposition leader Tina Browne.


OPINION: Silence in unhealthy democracies

Public scrutiny of public decisions that involve the public’s wellbeing and are paid for by the public purse should be welcomed and not defended as if the scrutiny of this decision was a personal attack, Thomas Wynne writes.


OPINION: Looking back, 2020 hindsight for Te Ipukarea Society

Local environment NGO Te Ipukarea Society has put together a list of highlights from 2020.


"Democracy is a fragile commodity"

Letter writer John Scott says we can take some lessons from recent events in the USA.

Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Covid-free Cooks travellers at ‘risk’ & the health of Muri lagoon

Letter writers and online comments weigh in on covid-19 travel between Cook Islands and NZ, and Muri Lagoon - one of the "crown jewels" of Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

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