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Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘It’s time we listened to the science’

I write with a heavy heart, disappointed by the narrow-mindedness I see in some of my fellow Cook Islanders when it comes to seabed minerals exploration.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: SBMA ‘losing control’

I would like to speak as an environmentally concerned Cook Islander, hearing concerns raised by Dr Teina Rongo on Temu Okotai’s radio show yesterday morning (Monday).

The trial of public opinion

Ultimately, we stand before the judgement of public opinion and ultimately a Judge that will judge us on our life, our thoughts and our decisions and then it won’t matter how much money we have or the position we hold.



Are we good stewards of God’s gifts?

The issue for our country since 1965 has never been what we have been given. It has instead been how those resources and opportunities have been managed. By Tina Pupuke Browne.


OPINION: Perfect practices will give us perfect protection

They say practice makes perfect, but they’re wrong. Perfect practice makes perfect, writes Ruta Mave.



The will of the people ‘should drive change’

Tolerance is like a gate that swings open and closed and through that gate we allow people, behaviours, actions, thoughts and ideas, writes Thomas Wynne.


Cook Islands Super ‘disappoints again’

Well-known accountant Mike Carr analyses Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund’s decision to decrease pay out rates for new pensioners.



Comments by Te Tuhi Kelly were copied to me on Thursday from his Rarotonga Community Blog. I don’t know what his audience reach is but since he mentioned both the Cook Islands News and me, I wish to correct him through your newspaper.

Letters to the Editor

Congratulations Dr Herman

I wish to convey sincere congratulations and best wishes to Dr Josephine Aumea Herman for getting appointed the Waitemata District Health Board’s Director of Pacific Health on behalf of our Cook Islands Religious Advisory Council.

Letters to the Editor

Religious council’s decision questioned

Wow! Has Bishop Tutai Pere and Tou Ariki forgotten about separation of church and state? Freedom of religion?

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: What’s good for the goose is good for the gander

On December 16 last year, Cook Islands News published an opinion piece from me which was tantamount to a challenge to the Cook Islands Law Society to divest itself from its self-interest cocoon and actually live up to some of its responsibilities and intercede in the increasing abuses of the rule of law perpetrated by the current administration, writes John M Scott.



LETTER: Covid-19 vaccination = protection

Dear Editor, Get back to the basics with regards to vaccination. When smallpox was rampant in 17/1800s, it was the doctors of the day who observed that milk maids who picked up cowpox from milking cows were more resistant to smallpox – a more virulent form of pox. From my recollection, the pus from the […]

Letters to the Editor

OPINION: Vaccine will save lives – maybe yours, says PM

Getting vaccinated provides another layer of protection, and we should seize the opportunity when it arrives, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


No woman, no cry

Celebrating International Women’s Day, should be like February, Black History Month, then March is Woman’s Her-story Month. The problem that goes hand in hand with most problem’s woman have is, it’s often seen, narrated and determined by men, writes Ruta Mave.


‘Come, let’s talk this over’

Dear Editor I write in response to the Letter to the Editor from Kare e Pikkikaa, CI News 06/03/21.

Letters to the Editor

As you sow so shall you reap

Unless someone like you care a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.


Tsunami warning

We wish to convey sincere congratulations and big meitaki maata for the very swift and efficient dispatch of news and information regarding our recent tsunami alert warnings from our disaster management authorities, police, government heads of ministries, radio, TV, Facebook, heads of respective organisations and all else involved.

Letters to the Editor

Agriculture’s free seedlings programme

Dear Editor, On Tuesday night the Minister of Agriculture, Rose Brown and Secretary, Marama Anguna, came on TV telling growers to come to the Agriculture Nursery in Arorangi to collect seedlings.

Letters to the Editor

Who blew up the Forum?

In all the analysis following the decision of the five Micronesian countries to exit the Pacific Islands Forum after their candidate failed to become the next Secretary General, one question remains unanswered: who is responsible for this body-blow to Pacific regionalism? By Stephen Howes and Sadhana Sen.


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