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LETTERS: ‘A circus of double dipping’

Letter for Saturday November 6, 2021

Letters to the Editor

Check your attitude

Its not often Tata Crocombe (resort owner) and I have agreed but I found his latest opinion piece in the Cook Islands News sobering and thoughtful with some clear statements on where our country is at and what we need to do now, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.



Aitutaki dredging ‘a complete shamble’

Letters for Friday November 5, 2021

Letters to the Editor


‘MPs must be held accountable to the people’

I have been having a go at MPs recently and I think it’s fair to say that many people are not happy with what we are having to put up with, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, the leader of the Progressive Party of the Cook Islands.


LETTERS: Opposing current marijuana laws

Letters for Thursday October 4, 2021

Letters to the Editor


LETTERS: ‘Be a work horse, not a show pony’

Letters for Wednesday November 3, 2021

Letters to the Editor


PM: ‘We are the ones with the most to lose if agreements are not reached and firm action is not decided upon’

You may remember that several columns back I took the opportunity to talk to you all about climate change, its potential impacts here in the Cook Islands, and why it is something we all need to be thinking about, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


LETTERS: Alleged drug dealer denied bail by court

Letters for Tuesday November 2, 2021

Letters to the Editor


OPINION: A time to remember our loved ones

I often hear how one wishes they could see their treasured ones for one more hour for comfort, solace, advice or an opportunity to right a wrong.


LETTERS: The benefits of tourism

Letters for Monday November 1, 2021

Letters to the Editor


Local nodules research – how long?

There will no nodule mining in the Cook Islands until there has been a public Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). In this article Gerald McCormack of the Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust discuss some topics that need to be researched, and estimate the total time it could take to obtain enough information to implement a robust EIA to decide if nodule mining impacts would be acceptable or not.


Deep sea mining concerns: We are not alone

For those of us from the Cook Islands who are concerned about deep sea mining, it may be reassuring to learn that we are not alone.


LETTERS: ‘Courage to speak the truth’

Letters for Saturday October 30, 2021

Letters to the Editor


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