Dear Editor, As far as I see it, the PM Mark Brown is doing more work than anyone else in government, and I don’t mean blowing rubbish and cutting hedges on the side of the road.
Dear Editor, I was appalled and disgusted by the op-ed by Ruta Mave that shamed and held women in-part accountable for the ongoing domestic violence against them. The views expressed were harsh and totally naive to the realities of domestic violence.
Pā’ua, or Pasua, also known as the giant clam, is a treasured marine species throughout the Cook Islands for its beauty in showcasing an array of underwater colours. It is also being seen as a tasty kai moana treat for the people of the Cook Islands.
I have gone to prison many times – to share The Virtues Project with incarcerated people in New Zealand, Australia, the US, Canada and other countries. I usually say, “Today I’m going to introduce you to someone special who can change your life.”
Dear Editor, I hear Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) saying they have Social Licence to push ahead with seabed mining. In other words, they’re saying that our society has approved their actions and plans going forward.
In response to the letter by “Eyes on Judas,” I noticed a lot of anger in the biblical themes used to express the danger of SBM (Seabed Mining). I would like to offer a different biblical perspective.
Dear Editor, Minister for Youth Vaine “Mac” Mokoroa, in this writer’s view, needs to place his passport in the office safe and leave it there until there is established on Rarotonga, the first purpose-built youth centre.
Our veterinary clinic, Te Are Manu, is the only veterinary clinic in the entire Cook Islands. We are a fantastic organisation, providing exceptional standard of care for the animals of Rarotonga and beyond, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa, medical director Te Are Manu Vet Clinic.
Dear Editor, Last week our Cook Islands Robotics team arrived home from competing in Greece at the First Global Robotic competions, to no official welcome, or fanfare, no recognition from Government entities.
Because of people coming to me and asking about what is happening with our water – plus the story in Cook Islands News last week revealing how much To Tatou Vai estimates it will earn from the water tariff – I feel it is necessary to address this issue again, writes Michael Tavioni.
Dear Editor, Deep sea mining (DSM) is a controversial topic in our country at present.
If you visited a number of businesses around the world and asked who is the biggest jerk in the company? Most will point to a manager, minister, supervisor or head chef.
The conviction and sentencing of the child rapist must give the public and parents of school-aged children some comfort.
The Cook Islands News front page article on October 3, 2024, reads “Review panel established to address challenges facing Cook Islands Police”.
Dear Editor, Cook Islands has won the bid to host the 2029 Pacific Mini Games.
To address potential concerns and further strengthen the protection of the Cook Islands’ interests, I have emailed the Seabed Minerals Authority (SBMA) the following additions or amendments to the draft seabed mining regulations.