We all face challenges that shape the course of our lives. But that shape and that course are still ours to choose, writes Angaroakau Williams, the first counselor and communication director of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
2021 was a year filled with trials and troubles for many. Let’s start this next one on our knees. By DENNAE PIERRE/Christianity Today
Dear Editor, as someone who took the time to nominate someone for the Cook Islands News Cook Islander of the Year award, I totally disagree with Te Tuhi’s letter to the editor.
Dear Editor, I must admit that I think this is a worthy gong for those who actually deserve it.
We’re all affected in some way, some more than others, we may all be in the same storm but we are definitely not all experiencing it in the same boat, writes Ruta Mave.
As commercialism and commerce have taken over Christmas, we have seen it commodified and churned out like so many other aspects of Western culture, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Looking back over the years, I can truly say that I have been blessed, writes Pastor Eric Toleafoa of the Seventh-day Adventists Church.
Dear Editor, it gave me a slight shock reaction when Elder Verokura Andrew updated their vaccination trip.
Five freedoms, the foundation of Animal Welfare, Justice Potter Stewart, in a famous US Supreme Court ruling, said, roughly, “I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it”. He wasn’t talking about animal welfare, but he could easily have been.
Dear Editor, Serena Hunter (in her letter on December 11 – No jab, no job policy) wrote that “Gibraltar, population of 33,000, over 118% vaccinated (beat that), and facing a surge in cases”.
The festive and for some, silly season for 2021 is upon us.
It’s official it’s the silly season, where we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ, in some circles the arrival of Santa in others amongst the red cherries, white snowflakes, and green pine trees alight with ornaments and flashing led colours, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, I wish to respond to Associate Prof. John Dunn’s letter in Tuesday’s newspaper (‘Unvaccinated are a risk to others’, December 14).
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