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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

Letters to the Editor

Top cop position advertised

7 December 2024

Church Talk


Hope for the best – prepare for the worst

The hard work and dedication of all of our teams, combined with Government’s recent investments in climate-resilient infrastructure, has greatly lessened the storm’s impact on our communities, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.


LETTERS: As different as chalk and cheese

Dear Editor, this is a follow-up to the letter to the editor regarding foreign workers breaching their contracts, upping and heading for New Zealand (‘NZ created labour shortage problem’, January 20).

Letters to the Editor


Heavy downpours and economic shock

We need a government who would recognise the economic value in easy to reach, easy to manage ourselves, nuggets and nodules of food lying on our ground, not miles under our ocean, writes Ruta Mave.


Taau, Taku Tita – young dancers encourage us to take responsibility for waste

Taau, taku tita – the latest dance track written by Phoebe Happ of Kuki Time 4 Kids, and presented by a group of talented young dancers from Kuki Time Cre8tive, is Te Ipukarea Society’s newest waste awareness advert coming soon to a TV screen near you. By Itirangi Pennycook.



How not to forget God’s promises?

While teaching and helping out in the 2-and 3 year-olds Sunday School class at my church, I noticed that many times per class the children had “remembering” problems, writes Rich Atkinson of

On the Street


LETTERS: ‘NZ created labour shortage problem’

Dear Editor, four years ago, I travelled to the Philippines to meet and interview needed employees for our businesses.

Letters to the Editor

Hanging on by a thread or better than ever?

Well I hate to be proven right once again. This time the word out on the street is that the BTIB (Business Trade and Investment Board) under the management of chief executive Repeta Puna is now just hanging on by a thread, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party.



PET TALK: Cat fights and dog bites

Some friends of mine own a very large, rather round, very relaxed cat.


LETTERS: Tsunami warning

Dear Editor, many of us are wondering why EMCI (Emergency Management Cook Islands) failed to put out early warnings to owners of boats in both Avarua and Avatiu harbours last Friday night before the tsunami resulting from the Tonga volcanic eruption capsized boats and caused others to smash into each other?

Letters to the Editor


LETTERS: Call to legalise marijuana use

Dear Editor, anecdotally, over 50 per cent of the Cook Islands (adult) population uses marijuana, some say it’s as high as 70 per cent.

Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Dirty politics or public service?

Dear Editor, I see George Angene, ex-con and current MP, regularly blow drying the main road stretch from his place to Taputapuatea. His sign says, always helping the people, but he is only helping certain people?

Letters to the Editor


2022 is the year to find your voice

The good news is 2021 did bring out the vocalisation of people who took their democratic right to the streets and marched and protested the decisions of the governments trying to protect them, writes Ruta Mave.

On the Street

What does prison say about our society?

Our society is one where we see people through the lens of what we believe they deserve and what we also believe they do not, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.



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