Dear Editor, I implore parents, please ask the questions, and please weigh up the risk vs benefit of having your children injected with the Covid vaccine.
Dear Editor, this writer has an abysmal school record when it comes to mathematics but, still, the “we are ready for Covid” numbers don’t seem to add up.
I have noticed over the last two years of Covid the parochial mutterings from the Pa Enua to keep their islands closed to those who don’t live or reside there, writes Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party of the Cook Islands.
Dear Editor, as an experienced qualified personal trainer l am concerned for the safety of my gym clients forced to wear a mask while training yet nightclubs can cram in 200 people without one?
It interests me how many school drop outs have become nationwide intellects on ‘what to do’ remedies to combat every medical situation in the world because they have a phone, data and uncle google, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, I’m going to make this really simple.
Te Ipukarea Society says it’s time to think differently about how and why people travel.
The reason some authorities view Omicron positively is that it has very high transmissibility (although interestingly not as transmissible as measles) but probably low pathogenicity, writes Associate Prof John Dunn FRACS (Ngati Terei).
Dear Editor, dear Prime Minister, please don’t keep using the phrase “We are all in this together”.
The question remains, and one I also have thought long and deeply about, does the health of a country come before the wealth of a country, or does the wealth of a country come before the health of a country and its citizens., writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, Significant numbers left in the 70s with the opening of the international airport and another mass exodus in 1996 during the reform (Pa Enua population on the decline, January 26).
Dear Editor, things are getting amped up here on the island, as we prepare for the “Omicron” threat.
Dear Editor, when I saw the clip of flights arriving in Raro of the lady working at the airport with a face shield and no mask, it just showed they are definitely not prepared and putting themselves and others at risk.
The omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, has fuelled a rapid surge in cases globally. We asked a team of virologists and immunologists Sara Sawyer, Arturo Barbachano-Guerrero and Cody Warren from the University of Colorado Boulder to weigh in on some of the pressing questions that people are asking about the new variant.
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