Dear Editor, the announcement by the Prime Minister on Saturday (12 February) relating to a traveller who tested positive after returning to Auckland last week, probably raises more questions than answers.
Dear Editor, reading the reply from Mr. Tamatoa Jonassen to my previous letter, which unfortunately was published without my name, I feel compelled to clarify a few points (‘Ample time’ to re-register companies, Cook Islands News February 10).
Dear Editor, with the greatest of respect to Dr. Dunn, the submission that the “FDA is always obliged to err on the side of conservatism” as an explanation for a stated fact is purely subjective (Too early to draw conclusions, February 8, 2022).
Dear Editor, the letter writer raises two issues in an attempt to defame my character and the great effort at the Ministry of Justice to improve government services (‘A guessing game I can do without’, Cook Islands News, February 9. 2022).
Dear Editor, I am the owner of a small business established in Rarotonga.
I am pleased to be submitting a proposal to Cabinet this week which recommmends that funding be made available to those members of our agricultural and fisheries sectors that have incurred loss or damage due to the recent weather events, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.
Dear Editor, snake oils, quack doctors, and charlatans. Once upon a time, it was difficult for people to know what was real and what was fake – people got sick or died from fake medicines.
Sunday, February 6 was an auspicious day for many reasons and one of great note and achievement was that of the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II ascension to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1952 following the death of her father King George VI, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, I have no desire to enter prolonged public debate but Serena Hunter is at it again and must be rebuffed.
Over a large period of time, the Cook Islands Motor Centre where I am currently employed, had exceeded its capacity for storing tyres that were no longer fit for road use. Despite this, our company continued to store tyres so that they don’t become a neglected breeding ground for mosquitoes in peoples’ backyards, writes company general manager Teariki Pennycook.
We must never dehumanise those who may draw the line differently to ourselves, because in that moment we inadvertently become what the other side of that argument most feared, and leave the ‘table of understanding’.
Dear Editor, Bob Williams has critiqued Serena Hunter’s letters to the editor on the Covid vaccine.
Dear Editor, following the BTIB (Business Trade and Investment Board) opinion piece dated 20th January, 2022 by Te Tuhi Kelly and the response by BTIB chief executive officer Repeta Puna (Hanging on by a thread or better than ever?).
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