Dear Editor, Some of us were sort of excited to hear about the recently appointed DSAG (Destination Stewardship Advisory Group) on January 27th, which will steer tourism so it continues to deliver long-term benefits for all Cook Islanders, while protecting its natural and cultural heritage? Really?
The good news is 2021 did bring out the vocalisation of people who took their democratic right to the streets and marched and protested the decisions of the governments trying to protect them, writes Ruta Mave.
Our society is one where we see people through the lens of what we believe they deserve and what we also believe they do not, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, in response to Jacqueline Ngatai-Cowan’s letter in CI News January 8, 2022. Firstly, I want to thank her for her concerns regarding her partner’s situation at Arorangi Prison and his medical condition.
Dear Editor, talk about putting out a message that is guaranteed to get some backlash from social media (‘We are ready, prepared and protected’, January 11, 2022).
Dear Editor, maybe an agreement of higher wages for an agreed period, to then be reduced back to normal with an incentive programme to increase the wage back to the higher rate agreed upon (No immediate fix for local labour shortage, January 10, 2022).
Dear Editor, Let’s think this through for a second (Reduced health clinics when border reopens, January 6, 2022).
It’s now 2022 and it’s around about this time we start to hear the sound of breaking resolutions, writes Ruta Mave.
The content of our character is a choice, and day by day we make choices some good some not so good, because choice is the core of what it is to be human, but let us also be clear our choices will always have an effect on others.
Te Ipukarea Society intern Itirangi Pennycook writes about her experience with the local environmental group.
Dear Editor, I’m not the kind of person who writes letters to the editor, but at this point, I don’t know what else to do. I’m writing this with the hope that someone who reads it will be able to help me or at least point me in the right direction.
New Year is traditionally a time for most of us to make resolutions for the year, writes Bishop Paul Donoghue of the Catholic Church.
Dear Editor, police handling of arrested citizens held in custody cruel and shameful.
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