Dear Editor, can the Minister of Police and PM Mark Brown explain how much did the big booze up for the Kukupa at the Avatiu wharf last Friday evening cost the tax payers of this country?
Dear Editor, I write to ask people like Mr Nubono, who came on TV the night before last, not to glibly say things like “Covid is not dangerous”; “not to worry”, “that it’s just a flu”, etc. Tell that to the families of about six million people around the world so far who have died from it.
When it comes to injuries, the noise and blood only tell some of the story, writes Dr Michael Baer.
Dear Editor, how about if we stop arguing and work together?
Dear Editor, I am writing to make my situation public in regards to the mural being painted on the Nikao Seawall.
People in countries that have suffered war are faced with the dilemma of packing what is most important in your life into one suitcase and start running.
It was very clear from the speeches made at this week’s licencing ceremony that government fully expects exploration to lead to full scale mining as a logical and natural progression, writes Te Ipukarea Society.
Dear Editor, seabed mining announcements for the three companies, followed by a glamorous signing ceremony, all smiles and accolades by PM Mark Brown.
Listening to the flurry of news reports on the invasion of the sovereign country Ukraine by President Putin and his army, I couldn’t help but notice the comparison between other narratives of tyranny, nazification and the weaponisation of words like freedom fighters around us today.
Charles Dickens in his most famous novel ‘Tale of Two Cities’, opened up his story line with this most historically popular and famous statements – “It was the best of times and it was the worst of time”, writes Bishop Tutai Pere.
Dear Editor, the articles ‘Lost in translation’ and ‘Te Karere turns 40’ are examples of people wanting to work to increase the profile and involvement of Maori language in communities outside of the country.
Dear Editor, I have just received an invitation to attend the Police farewell of our patrol boat Te Kukupa I and will gladly attend. As the programme unsurprisingly make no provision for me to say a few words, I count on your charity to print my farewell tribute in this column…
Dear Editor, in reply to Bishop Tutai Pere's letter on Saturday, I am wondering if most of our pastors on the island know that this Covid 19 was brought in by God almighty, our loving Father in Heaven.
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