Friday 25 February 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in On the Street, Opinion
Deep sea nodules. PHOTO: MELINA ETCHES/22022315
On one side of the coin we can rightly say that our time right now and today is the worst of all times. Our world is moving into its third year under a most frightening and devastating effect of Covid-19 pandemic, with as of this month over 5.9 million already dead.
Never in the history of mankind have we seen our Global Airspace just so suddenly came to a halt. All airlines grounded, travellers ceased to travel, huge tourist cruise liners turned into breeding grounds for Covid, global socio-economic and political systems were kinda-like held at ransom and hostage by unexplainable adverse effect of Covid-19 pandemic.
It appears to me like a prophetic message and writing is already on the wall, like as in the days of King Nebuchadnezzar of the Great City of Babylon around 6th Century BC. With the words which read, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN – YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED, which the prophet Daniel interpreted in Aramaic or Hebrew to mean – MENE = God hath numbered your kingdom and finished it, TEKEL = Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES = plural of UPHARSIN – a prediction that the kingdom shall be divided and given to the Persians.
We may ask the question, are we in the ‘worst of times’ where our world is being numbered and coming to its end, are we being morally weighed and evaluated by God and found lacking so much in Him? With all so much, lockdowns, quarantines and isolations here and there, is that our new life’s norm? Flip our coin over, can there be any hope for ‘the best of times’ for us at this juncture?
But watching our three successful candidates and applicants come forward to sign their licences to allow them to carry out Exploration and Research Expeditions on our Nodule Mineral Deposit on our seabed creates an historic milestone achievement for our country and people of the Cook Islands.
We have reached the stage of adoption as sons and daughters of God, we become heirs and joint-heirs with right of inheritance, ownership and custodianship of our very own mineral prosperity.
We become masters of our own destiny. We cease to keep running to beg and borrow from foreign lenders. Carefully and wisely managed and administered with ultimate fear of God on our backs – we fulfil what God has promised all His adopted children (God don’t have grandchildren), all heirs and joint-heirs unto Him as in Deuteronomy 28: 12, “The Lord shall open unto thee His good treasure … will bless all the work of our hands … and we shall lend unto many nations, and you shall not borrow. 13, He shall make us the head and not the tail; shall make us above only and not beneath…but only if we hearken unto his commandments and observe them”.
Our successful companies for Exploration and Research Expeditions only, 1. Mrs Shona Lynch, representing CIC Limited; 2. Mr Michael Henry representing CIIC Limited; 3. Mr Des Eggelton representing Moana Minerals Limited, who together with their overseas partners throughout the many months of vigilant and diligent assessment and evaluation screening process have already shown and positively proven, not as novices nor amateurs in the business but have had decades of practical exercises and experience with total confidence in what they are capable of doing.
Equipped with state of art, sophisticated exploratory equipment, latest technological capabilities, as such that can minimise or eliminate as much as possible the much-feared damages and harm to our Marae Moana marine biodiversity and deep sea environment. Yes! I still dare say that we the Cook Islands is at ‘the best of times’ to begin exploring and researching in not what might be but will most certainly and eventually become ‘precious treasure’ deposited down there, in our very own Seabed Minerals Bank for us to work our faith out in order to obtain in due time.
Let’s not be distracted nor be despised by the size of our country, population, wealth and whatever way we think we lack – let our Faith in our God and His Word be our rock of defence and offence.
If God be for us, who can be against us – Romans 8: 31. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us – Philippians 4:13. We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us – Romans 8:37.
God bless our beautiful paradise Cook Islands.
Kia orana e kia manuia rava.
Bishop Tutai Pere, BA, Lth, is also the chairman of our Seabed Minerals Advisory Committee.
Tairi Maoate on 26/02/2022
Pastor Pere, with all respect sir, I was brought up to believe that all the heavens above, the seas below and the lands on earth.. all belong to Heavenly Father. He brought his people out of Egypt, and they suffered because they wouldn't follow His commands given through Moses. It seems we, His people, still won't and DONT want to listen to His voice. Please sir, let the Lords be the Lords... and leave Mamon to be Mamons (the God of Money). Do not allow yourself to be used as an Instrument for those who's goal is to chase Mamons "fools gold". BlessUp. Tairi Maoate Ngatangiia