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LETTERS: The road to riches is deep down

Monday 18 October 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTERS: The road to riches is deep down

Letters for Monday 18 October, 2021.

Dear Editor,

I write to you in my disappointment of the woman that called herself Jacqui Evan. If she is a Cook Islander, in my view she has betrayed the people of the Cook Islands. Riches in our ocean belongs to us the people of the Cook Islands. She has forgotten that we have a government that runs our country. She has forgotten the only law that applies in the Cook Islands is the law that is passed by our Parliament – the highest court in the land.

Where did she get the idea that foreign companies can file lawsuit against the people of the Cook Islands? The companies she is talking about are the people that have already destroyed the planet we call our home Earth.

The shareholders and CEOs of these companies live lavishing life style on the high end of New York. They have their own private jet that takes them anywhere around the world. They get around big cities in limousines, chauffeur driven. The penthouse suite they live in got everything they want, you name it, they get it.

Now let the good news in. The Cook Islands have on its ocean floor these minerals – Au – gold, Ag – Silver, U – Uranium, Zn – Zinc, Cr – chromium/started dredging here, Cu – Copper, Fe – Iron, Hg – Mercury, Pb – Lead, Mn – Manganese, Pt – Platinum, Sn – tin, Ti – titanium and W – tungsten.

The government of the Cook Islands must issue the mining rights to companies in the Cook Islands – T&M Heather, Landholdings, ICI any companies owned by Cook Islanders.

I know at 6000 metres depth there is no way we will pollute the ocean. The Law of Physics can tell us at 6000 metres deep there are 24 billion 990 million 99 thousand 600 tons of pressure (Cook Islands News was unable to verify this claim). Nothing can escape that pressure, the plume created by dredging will settle back to the Ocean floor in a few seconds, these facts are based on pure science and understanding the Law of Physics and the Atomic Structure of water. Not only the pressure is strong, the fact is water obeys the Law of Physics.

Deep see mining produce zero pollution, the creature that lives down that deep is the oldest living creature on the planet – green algae, the same algae found in Muri Lagoon.

My advice to our Prime Minister is – ‘Let’s get this show on the road to riches’. Let’s all make fort Knox look like a piggy bank. I think this will make every man, woman and child in the Cook Islands the richest people on the planet.

I thank you Mr Editor.

God Bless.

Puna Dyer

Muri, Ngatangiia

Government spending

Yes, there are levels that Government needs to spend at in order to keep areas of the economy stimulated, however doing Northern Group junkets at huge public expense just to do an Asset Register is not one of them.

Some government ministries are going gangbusters advertising for all sorts of new staff … looks like a totally unjustified attempt at Empire building to some of us struggling in the private sector.

You don’t need more staff; you just need to focus on working harder and justifying your salaries. MPs taking a pay cut back would be a giant practical gesture as well.

Debt servicing starts with some better home economics.

Annoyed Taxpayer

(Name and address supplied)