Does your heart ever ache over something you’ve lost? Linda Kavelin-Popov writes.
Four years ago, in December 2019, like so many of our people, I made the difficult decision to leave behind all I knew and had built – my wife, my parents, my family – to seek new skills and new learnings beyond the reef in another government and Parliament, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Polymetallic nodules look like lumps of coal scattered across the seafloor. They have a similar purpose as coal as well, to provide energy. But they have many other reasons to exist, most of which we do not yet know or understand.
For years, the Cook Islands Police Service has been crying out for more frontline officers. They need 46 staff across all divisions. Recruitment is frozen. The Maritime Division is stretched to breaking point. There’s barely anyone left for community policing—just one officer, trying to cover an entire nation.
Dear Warren Wichman, The 105mm Howitzer provided by the NZ Defence Force, was for the contribution Cook Island men and women have made to the NZ Defence Force from WW1 onwards.
Kia Orana Editor, Poor Mark Brown is simply out of touch with reality.
Mr Editor Many of the hundreds of tourists swarming off the big cruise liners like an invasion end up at Punanga Nui Market and stand in front of the big display labeled, "Cook Islands Necklaces" at $9 each - the ones that left China at 50 cents or so, plastic "carvings".
Te Tuhi Kelly, Leader of the Progressive Party states there has been much sabre rattling going on with regards to people talking to him about getting rid of the Government.
Dear Mr, Mrs, Miss, Master Cartoonist, Ghost writer-artist (of 25/02/25 Kata’s page 4), there is absolutely no such thing as luck, chance nor coincidence but faith, obedience and belief in Jesus Christ, who says in John 14:10 – 14: “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. 11, Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works sake.
Yes, we did receive much advice from about covering the 105mm L5 Howitzer on the day the gun was put in place. This advice came from a number of well-meaning consultants – builders, painters and also old Australian Gunners.
Dear Editor, We cannot allow Mr Brown's statement that the NZ media and experts think the Cook Island nation are "too dumb" to realise the implications of its own decisions, go without comment.
Pain in animals can be difficult to detect, as they often hide discomfort to avoid appearing vulnerable. Unlike humans, they cannot verbally communicate their pain, so it is essential for owners to understand the signs and types of pain their pets may experience, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa, medical director Te Are Manu Vet Clinic.
Mark Brown Accuses Experts Thinking "We Are Too Dumb"
Dear Editor, The need for clarification and explanation of the current stalemate and confusion of the passage of the no confidence motion against the PM and cabinet can be resolved as follows:
While the Action Plan 2025-2030 for the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) and a couple of MoU’s between the Cook Islands and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have been signed, Cook Islands local capacity and the political context needs to be examined more closely to understand some of the implications, writes Merita Tuari’i.
Dear Editor, Watching NZ PM Luxon on NZ TV this (yesterday) morning says the following, quote “We have no problem with the people of the Cook Islands.
It has been an ice water wake up to 2025 with the proposed passport, and the China deal shaking up our relationship with New Zealand, we are going to build ports with China, all while their warships are firing live rounds off of Australia’s coast. And it’s only February.