Wednesday 19 March 2014 | Published in Touch Rugby
Wet and windy conditions didn’t stop touch rugby players taking to the Nikao field on Monday for their open men’s and women’s games.
Monday 10 March 2014 | Published in Touch Rugby
Open men and women’s touch rugby players return to the field today after great games were played in last week’s mixed division.
Saturday 1 March 2014 | Published in Touch Rugby
Tereora College were the highest point scorers during Wednesday’s pre-season touch rugby tournament with the Mongoose side certainly having the most fun, making the most noise in the social competition.
Wednesday 26 February 2014 | Published in Touch Rugby
Touch rugby players blew out the cobwebs on Monday in their first outing of the 2014 touch rugby season.
Thursday 13 February 2014 | Published in Touch Rugby
Side steps galore are set to return to the playing field when the touch rugby season gets underway on February 24.
Saturday 28 December 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Rarotonga’s Best Dance Crew retained their Boxing Day touch rugby champions title at the Swamp on Thursday, when they put away competitive opponents the 007 crew 5-2.
Friday 27 December 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Big sunglasses, straw hats and fancy footwork were all the rage at the annual Boxing Day touch rugby tournament at the infamous Avatiu Swamp were families gathered for a fun in the sun.
Monday 23 December 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
If the current heat and humidity keeps up, the annual Boxing Day touch rugby tournament is set to be a real scorcher. Local teams are also mustering up their players to make for a hotly contested event. This year’s tournament on Thursday December 26 will be held at the Avatiu Swamp. The annual event has […]
Monday 23 December 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
If the current heat and humidity keeps up, the annual Boxing Day touch rugby tournament is set to be a real scorcher. Local teams are also mustering up their players to make for a hotly contested event. This year’s tournament on Thursday December 26 will be held at the Avatiu Swamp. The annual event has […]
Friday 20 December 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Members of the Kautai and Ngapoko Kinau family spent a day bonding over sports at the Tupapa field yesterday. The family reunion wrapped up on Thursday with a sports day that included volleyball, touch rugby and novelty games including three legged races.
Friday 20 December 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Members of the Kautai and Ngapoko Kinau family spent a day bonding over sports at the Tupapa field yesterday. The family reunion wrapped up on Thursday with a sports day that included volleyball, touch rugby and novelty games including three legged races.
Tuesday 17 December 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
The annual and ever popular Boxing Day touch rugby tournament will be running again this year, with all teams encouraged to register now and avoid disappointment. The fun family day out with touch rugby is a great way to work off the Christmas Day treats and to get the family out of the house and […]
Monday 8 April 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
It's grand finals time at the Nikao field today where the top touch rugby teams will square off for supremacy in the open women’s and social mixed division.
Wednesday 3 April 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Today is the start of the business end of the women’s and social mixed competition at the Nikao field.
Friday 22 March 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Despite losing to Bounty Hunters 3-1 in a great game of touch rugby on Wednesday afternoon – the Body Blast girls would have walked away happy knowing they kept their scoring machine opponents to just three tries.
Saturday 16 March 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Tepuka Park in Nikao was full of fresh air as women’s and social mixed teams gathered for another fantastic day of touch rugby.
Monday 11 March 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Touch rugby games are intensifying as teams improve on their combinations during the two day a week women’s and social mixed competition.
Monday 4 March 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Two days of touch rugby is in store for players and supporters with the second lot of games in the women’s and social mixed touch rugby tournament to be played out today and Wednesday at the Nikao field.
Friday 1 March 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
Eager touch rugby players turned out at Nikao field on Wednesday for a fantastic first day of the women’s and social mixed touch rugby competition.
Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Touch Rugby
The sports field in Nikao is the place to be this afternoon to catch the touch rugby action in the new women’s and social mixed touch rugby tournament.