Wednesday 8 October 2014 | Published in Football
The POPULAR under 11 mixed soccer division will kick off today’s football proceeding at 4.15pm followed by the under 17 men’s division at 4.50pm at the CIFA complex. Tupapa Maraerenga will go head to head with Avatiu on field one. Titikaveka will square off against Nikao Sokattak on field two and Takuvaine will play Matavera on field three. Today’s draw at the CIFA complex – 4.15pm Field 1 Under 11 Mixed, Tupapa Maraerenga vs. Avatiu, Ref-Kura Smith, 4.50pm Field 1 Unde 17 Men, Tupapa Maraerenga vs. Avatiu, Ref-Terry Piri Assistant refs-Anabeth Tetauru, Jericka Matapuku, 4.15pm Field 2 Under 11 Mixed Titikaveka vs. Nikao Sokattak Ref-James Nand, 4.50pm Field 2 Under 17 Men Titikaveka vs. Nikao Sokattak Ref-Mika Mouauri, Assistant refs-Noel Mani, Kimiora Makitae, 4.15pm Field 3 Under 11 Mixed Takuvaine vs. Matavera Ref-Pauline Dean.
Wednesday 8 October 2014 | Published in Football
Puaikura Football Club premier men’s team drew one-all in their up match at the OFC Preliminary Champions League tournament in Samoa.
Tuesday 7 October 2014 | Published in Football
In the premier men’s football match on Saturday Avatiu defeated Nikao Sokattak two goals to nil.
Saturday 4 October 2014 | Published in Football
The main premier men’s football game will see host Avatiu square off against Nikao Sokattak today at 4pm at the Swamp.
Thursday 2 October 2014 | Published in Football
A strong first eleven under 17 girls White Stripes soccer side from Western Springs played and won their first match on tour against at tenacious Tupapa Maraerenga three goals to two.
Thursday 2 October 2014 | Published in Football
Today at Raemaru park the Puaikura Football Club will host Titikaveka with the first game kicking off 4.15pm in the under 14 boy’s division followed by the senior women’s division.
Tuesday 30 September 2014 | Published in Football
The 2013 premiership title winners Puaikura set out on tour for the 2014 OFC Champions League Preliminary
Tuesday 30 September 2014 | Published in Football
A visiting women’s football team from Western Springs Football Club in West Auckland arrived in the early hours of this morning and will play three matches in their one week tour.
Monday 29 September 2014 | Published in Football
Tupapa-Maraerenga men’s premier football team had a field day on Saturday punching in the goals to beat the Nikao Sokattak side 4-0.
Saturday 27 September 2014 | Published in Football
Tupapa Maraerenga Football Club is set to host Nikao Sokattak today with games commencing at 1pm in the under 14 girls division at Victoria Park.
Monday 22 September 2014 | Published in Football
In the main premier men’s football match at the weekend, 2013 champions Puaikura beat host Nikao Sokattak by four goals to one.
Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Football
A thrilling premier men’s football game is on the cards today at the Nikao field between host Nikao Sokattak and 2013 Champions Puaikura.
Thursday 18 September 2014 | Published in Football
Today at the CIFA Complex – the Titikaveka football club will play host to Takuvaine with the first game kicking off 4.15pm in the under 14 boy’s division.
Wednesday 17 September 2014 | Published in Football
The CIFA complex in Matavera will be filled with football action today as under 11 mixed and under 17 men’s teams heads into the fifth round of the competition.
Sunday 14 September 2014 | Published in Football
MORE FOOTBALL action is set for today as Avatiu prepare to take on Takuvaine at their home turf in the main premier men’s football match kicking off at 4pm today at Avatiu field.
Saturday 13 September 2014 | Published in Football
Matavera-Ngatangiia Football Club players will be looking sharper for the rest of the season with their new set of uniforms blessed and ready for action.The brand new club uniforms were unveiled and blessed on Tuesday morning at the club’s home ground at Takitumu School. The uniforms have been sponsored in part by the Dive Shop , Alan Taylor and Family and Ora Moana Ltd.Cook Islands Christian Church deacon Terekia Taura blessed the uniforms for the club and encouraged the youth to make the most of the uniforms that were donated. Club president Raymond Newnham thanked Deacon Taura for the blessing of the uniform, thanked all the sponsors, executive committee members and club members for attending the blessing. “It’s been over six years since Matavera-Ngatangiia Football Club have had the opportunity to replace the uniforms for these teams and we are humbled by the donation and want to thank our sponsors,” said Newnham. Nida from the Dive Shop was present to hand over the new uniforms to the excited players present for the special club ceremony who were very eager to don the gear for club pride. “Football is close to our hearts and the Dive Shop is proud to sponsor the uniforms for the Matavera Football Club,” said Nida.Alan Taylor is a former player of Matavera and former national representative of the Cook Islands and this was an opportunity for him and his family to give back to the village. The Dive Shop is a long time sponsor of football and supporter of sports in Matavera. “Football is an opportunity to give the children something to do, to be active, have fun and we are happy to be a part of this. We live in Matavera and want to give back to our community” continued Nida. Matavera Football Club will be wearing their new uniforms with pride during this football season.
Thursday 11 September 2014 | Published in Football
Today at the Takitumu School field Matavera football club will play host to Puaikura with the first game kicking off at 4.15pm in the under 14 boy’s division. Matavera will have to reinforce their defence area when they meet up with Puaikura as the match will be crucial for both sides to extend their lead […]
Wednesday 10 September 2014 | Published in Football
A the football season progresses, impressive improvements of skills and tactics are being seen on the pitch – especially in the development under 11 mixed division.
Monday 8 September 2014 | Published in Football
In the main Premier Men’s soccer match at Victoria Park, Tupapa-Maraerenga and Puaikura went head to head in a tough match that ended in a one all draw.
Saturday 6 September 2014 | Published in Football
Tupapa Maraerenga prepares to take on Puaikura, at their home turf in the main premier men’s football match kicking off at 4pm today at Victoria Park.