Thursday 3 May 2012 | Published in Other Sports
Cook Islands national sailors have cleaned up the major sports awards again this year taking out sportsman, sportswoman and junior sportsman and woman of the year titles. Manihiki sailors Taua Elisa and Helema Williams picked up the sportsman and woman of the year titles for the second year in a row as well as the […]
Wednesday 2 May 2012 | Published in Netball
Cook Islands netball head coach Marg Foster arrives on the island tomorrow to conduct the Rarotonga based national netball trials to be held at the Telecom Sports Arena from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Today, Foster will run similar trials for New Zealand based players before arriving on the island to put the local girls through their […]
Tuesday 1 May 2012 | Published in Cricket
Laughter rang across Tereora College yesterday as students got into the swing of the fun and fast six-a-side court cricket. The national college is the first to experience the fun and excitement of the new Cook Islands Cricket initiative developed to capture the hearts of young Cook Islanders and bridge the gap between junior and […]
Tuesday 1 May 2012 | Published in Other Sports
Slam dunks and three pointers will be all the rage at the Telecom Sports Arena tonight where the first games of the Cook Islands Basketball Federation main season tip off. The tournament will run for 12 weeks and will see six women’s and six men’s teams battle it out for top honours. Each game will […]
Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Football
After 10 weeks and six games of five-a-side soccer, team Outlaws claimed the round cup championship title in the men’s division last Monday at the CIFA complex in Matavera. Outlaws took out the round cup after defeating a spirited Nek Minit side in the last round game winning by 10 goals to three. Nek Minit […]
Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Bridging the gap between junior cricket and club cricket is the aim of the new and innovative ANZ 6-a-side court cricket tournament for high school kids. The fast and action packed tournament will be launched at Tereora College on Monday and will run for two weeks starting with the girls tournament in the first week […]
Friday 27 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Rarotonga based national women cricketers were put under pressure at the weekend in their first hit-out as part of their preparations for the East Asia-Pacific tournament next month in Vanuatu. The hit-out gave women cricketers a better understanding of their skills and importantly the chance to apply skills learned under coach Hori Miller in a […]
Friday 27 April 2012 | Published in League
League Masters will kick off at Nikao Park this afternoon at 5pm sharp, so for all those not involved in the Golf Ambrose this afternoon, see you on the paddock. For all the Mongoose Goof players taking part in the Nuks (Mitiaro) Golf Ambrose, the General advised that you don’t need to bring your baseball […]
Monday 23 April 2012 | Published in Netball
Intense and closely fought games were the features of round two of the domestic netball season played at the Telecom Sports Arena on Saturday. The under 8 and 10 games set the tone for the day. The Avatiu and Titikaveka under 8 match ended in a 1-all draw. Other closely fought matches seen were between […]
Saturday 21 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Rarotonga arm of the newly formed women’s national cricket squad will have its first hit-out today in what will no doubt be a nervous encounter. National coach Hori Miller has called on big fire power and fringe squad players to test out the Rarotonga girls’ progress over the past two months. “It’s about pressure,” […]
Friday 20 April 2012 | Published in Paddling
Basketball players through all three vaka on Rarotonga are gearing up for the Cook Islands Games tournament in July with weekly training sessions. In particular – Vaka Takitumu basketball coordinators are calling all young men and women through the village interested in playing basketball to get along to weekly training sessions starting on Monday, April […]
Monday 16 April 2012 | Published in Other Sports
Glorious sunshine and a moderate breeze made for fun times on the Muri lagoon with sailors of all ages and skills taking to the water to make the most of the good sailing conditions. Optimist sailors in the Silver Fleet, including sailors from the Rarotonga and Aitutaki Sailing Clubs, buzzed around their marked course as […]
Monday 16 April 2012 | Published in League
With three more weeks of league games to play before semi and grand finals time – weekend matches were all about racking up the points for better placings heading into the final stages of the competition. Top of the table Tupapa Panthers were all business on Friday when they hammered the Sharks 54-14 at Victoria […]
Thursday 12 April 2012 | Published in Netball
The visiting Paeroa College netball team coached by former Silver Fern head coach Ruth Aitken showed their stamina and patience when they fought back to take out their first game of netball in the Cooks against Tereora College yesterday. Both sides started the match in shaky form as players tried to shed the nerves in […]
Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Netball
The 2012 domestic netball season starts with a bang tonight with the open grades taking to the courts plus games through the week between local clubs and the visiting Paeroa College netball team. Led by former New Zealand international level player and Silver Fern head coach Ruth Aitken, the visiting school will play four games […]
Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cricket is seeping into the sporting landscape in Aitutaki, finding inroads through the island’s student population and under the keen eyes of senior local cricketers. Students in all of Aitutaki’s schools have been receiving coaching lessons this year from visiting Cook Islands Cricket (CIC) officials and the island’s own top cricketers currently vying for a […]
Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Touch Rugby
Tereora College house 3 students made it three out of three when they took out the college’s annual touch rugby tournament last Thursday for the third year. The extreme heat and humidity on the day did little to curb the students’ enthusiasm as they proudly wore their house colours and put their bodies on the […]
Thursday 5 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cricket selectors have a problem with national women’s team, but it is a good problem to have. Nineteen women from Aitutaki and Rarotonga who have been put on a shortlist for the side have been hard at work in the last few months, trying to make their claim to one of 14 spots available in […]
Wednesday 4 April 2012 | Published in Touch Rugby
It’s crunch time today with the grand finals of the 2012 touch rugby season to be played out today at the Nikao field. Today’s grand finals will be for teams in both the mixed and open divisions with a short presentation to follow at the Rose Garden next to the playing fields. The Cook Islands […]
Wednesday 4 April 2012 | Published in Paddling
The Araura College Oe Vaka day last Friday was an absolute success! With great weather and the central location of the Arutanga wharf – parents and the community came down to cheer on their children and their favourite house. The goal for the day was participation with the races starting with the 2km race. House […]
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