
Panthers go straight to grand final

Monday 20 May 2013 | Published in League

Some rugby league teams hung up their boots and others celebrated long into the weekend after a full on weekend of rugby league play-off games.


Cricket bowling speeds tested

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Cricket

Corporate partners, sponsors and supporters of cricket in the Cook Islands put their bowling arms to the test yesterday afternoon for the unveiling of the bowling radar gun which will be put to use next week to find the fastest under 19 male and female bowler on the island.


Old rivals face off on netball courts

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Netball

Round two of the domestic netball season continues tonight after the senior open one and two grades took to the court on Wednesday night.


Eels and Panthers play-off for finals

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in League

A full afternoon of top level rugby league play-off games is in store for diehard league fans at the BCI Stadium today.


Golden Oldies spirit still kicking

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Rugby Union

The golden oldies spirit has been the name of the game at the Avatiu field where rugby players have been taking part in the 4th golden oldies mini festival.

Rugby Union

World no.2 judging kitesurfing comp

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Other Sports

This year’s Manureva International Kitesurfing Competition from June 10 to 14 is set to be the biggest competition yet with top riders keen to head to Aitutaki and taste what the Cooks has to offer.

Other Sports

Radar out for fast bowlers

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Cricket

ANZ Bank and Cricket Cook Islands are looking for the fastest junior bowler on Rarotonga.


League play-offs begin

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in League

Three rugby league play-off games are on the cards for fans this evening to kick start what will be a thrilling weekend of rugby league action.


Rangiora's Raro boys rugby up

Thursday 16 May 2013 | Published in Rugby Union

Rarotonga rugby scholarship students attending Rangiora High School just outside of Christchurch are getting right in to the school boy rugby action in Aotearoa.

Rugby Union

A tale of canine rescue

Thursday 16 May 2013 | Published in Other Sports

Tales of endurance, pain and triumph are what you would expect after a gruelling triathlon but during Saturday’s International Triathlon a story of a canine rescue spread across the transition point at Nukupure Park.

Other Sports

League semi-finals start today

Thursday 16 May 2013 | Published in Rugby Union

Its semi-finals time in the 2013 rugby league season.

Rugby Union

Parry trumps Tour de Raro

Thursday 16 May 2013 | Published in Other Sports

Turtle Tees Tour de Raro was again an exciting event for local and visiting cyclists on Tuesday evening.

Other Sports

Game on at five-a-side football

Thursday 16 May 2013 | Published in Football

The highly anticipated five-a-side football match between Tama Hawks and Outlaws on Monday ended in a nil-all draw at the CIFA complex in Matavera.


Final games at swamp

Wednesday 15 May 2013 | Published in Rugby Union

Golden oldies rugby players will gather at the Avatiu swamp for their final hit out in the current golden oldies mini festival.

Rugby Union

Dress up for Matutu Mile

Wednesday 15 May 2013 | Published in Other Sports

This evening’s Matutu Mile is a fun way to wind up the end of another successful triathlon week.

Other Sports

Golden oldies fraternity highlighted

Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Published in Rugby Union

The fun and fraternity that is the basis of golden oldies rugby was on full display at the Avatiu field yesterday for the opening of the Cook Islands golden oldies rugby mini festival.

Rugby Union

Woodger first woman home

Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Published in Other Sports

Perfect weather made for outstanding race times during Saturday’s International Triathlon race that covered a 1.5km swim course across Muri lagoon, a 41km cycle course that covered the entire island including a loop of the Rarotonga Hospital hill and airport block and ending with a 10km run through the Vaka Takitumu.

Other Sports

Turtles Tees cycle race today

Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Published in Other Sports

The Triathlon Association’s main cycle race known as the Turtles Tees ‘Tour de Raro’ will be held today starting at 4.45pm from the town centre.

Other Sports

Historic milestone for Aitutaki football

Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Published in Football

After six months in the making, it was only fitting that the ‘goal’ project inauguration for the Aitutaki Football Association Headquarters & Education Centre was celebrated in style with colour and Cook Islands culture dominating the proceedings on Friday May 10 in the village of Vaipae, Aitutaki.


Panthers maul Bears ahead of play offs

Monday 13 May 2013 | Published in League

Its business time in the 2013 rugby league season and during the final round of games at the weekend – the teams meaning to do the business did the damage on the fields.


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