
Pre-season touch rugby draws talent

Friday 28 February 2014 | Published in League

Fancy footwork, diving tries and lots of laughs were the order of the day at the pre-season mixed touch rugby tournament at Nikao field on Wednesday.


CrossFitters to tackle surprise workouts

Thursday 27 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Fitness freaks are battling it out over the next three days to claim glory in a high-intensity competition being run by Rarotonga’s Tumuora CrossFit.

Other Sports

Masters head to Victoria Park

Thursday 27 February 2014 | Published in League

Masters rugby league players took the spotlight at Nukupure Park last Friday as the curtain raisers for the main game between the Sharks and Sea Eagles.


Mixed touch rugby today

Wednesday 26 February 2014 | Published in Touch Rugby

Touch rugby players blew out the cobwebs on Monday in their first outing of the 2014 touch rugby season.

Touch Rugby

Growing interest in oe vaka

Tuesday 25 February 2014 | Published in Paddling

Interest is growing in the sport of oe vaka with local club Ngakau Toa giving everyone the opportunity to try out the sport as part of the clubs novice and junior workshop.


Tumuora win all discipline team triathlon

Tuesday 25 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Great weather greeted the 39 teams that took part in the 20th anniversary team triathlon held on Saturday.

Other Sports

New blood for netball in 2014

Tuesday 25 February 2014 | Published in Netball

This year is shaping up to be another important year for the national netball team.


Knock-out turnout at Village Festival

Saturday 22 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Despite the morning showers on Wednesday, the afternoon weather turned out just right for the first 2014 sports ‘Village Festival’ held at Victoria Park in Tupapa.

Other Sports

Learn to judge open water swimming

Wednesday 19 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Swimming enthusiasts are being invited to an open water swimming officials/judges clinic to be held at the national sports body conference rooms in Nikao.

Other Sports

Beach volleyball way to go!

Wednesday 19 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

As the weather heats up, there is only one thing for it – get into beach volleyball.

Other Sports

Cooks players shine in Nines

Tuesday 18 February 2014 | Published in League

Twelve Cook Islands rugby league players took part in the Auckland Nines competition at the weekend with seven being members of the Cook Islands World Cup squad 2013.


Popular triathlon on this Saturday

Tuesday 18 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

The annual Team Triathlon Challenge take place at the Tikioki tri-site this Saturday starting at 2pm.

Other Sports

Keeping volley cool

Monday 17 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Avarua School kids had a sweat out at Victoria Park on Friday playing ‘cool-volley’ as part of the volleyball development drive.

Other Sports

Successful 20th memorial golf tournament

Saturday 15 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Sweltering conditions and keen golfers made the 20th Hugh Henry Memorial Golf Tournament held on Saturday a resounding success.

Other Sports

Touch rugby starting

Thursday 13 February 2014 | Published in Touch Rugby

Side steps galore are set to return to the playing field when the touch rugby season gets underway on February 24.

Touch Rugby

Best performing sailing team praised

Wednesday 12 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Staunch support from the sailing family and wider community is what drove the junior sailing team to success says coach and national sailor Junior Charlie.

Other Sports

After school netball all go

Wednesday 12 February 2014 | Published in Netball

Aspiring netball players wanting to improve their skills and understanding of the game can do so through the after school netball programme starting on Tuesday 18 February.


Swim class for adults

Tuesday 11 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Top triathlete and coach Vanessa Woodger will be delivering an adults swim class as part of her Swim School and Triathlon Level 3 accreditation.

Other Sports

Golfing success in Tauranga

Tuesday 11 February 2014 | Published in Other Sports

Success on the golf course in Tauranga recently would have meant confident tee-offs for a number of golfers in Saturday’s Hugh Henry Memorial Tournament.

Other Sports

Junior league development at the swamp

Saturday 8 February 2014 | Published in League

Action at the Avatiu field today will kick off at 10am with the re-start of the Cook Islands Junior Rugby League Academy development programme.


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