
Avarua hits the double at Raemaru Park

Friday 10 July 2015 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Netball

AVARUA made a double scoop after winning the netball title in the Rarotonga Primary Schools tournament at Raemaru Park in Arorangi on Wednesday.


Matenga captains new Black Pearls

Tuesday 26 May 2015 | Published in Netball

The 2015 club netball defender of the year Luciana Matenga will captain the Cook Islands Black Pearls at next month’s Pacific Games in Papua New Guinea.


Top netters awarded

Tuesday 19 May 2015 | Published in Netball

Local netters have hung up their bibs for the season after thrilling grand finals games at the weekend.


Classy Pearls re-crowned champions

Monday 18 May 2015 | Published in Netball

The Titikaveka Pearls are still the undoubted netball queens of the island.


Knockout netball takes centre court

Sunday 3 May 2015 | Published in Netball

Expect passionate netball games at the Telecom Sports Arena today as clubs teams take to the court for knock out games.


Netters gear up for knock out competition

Tuesday 28 April 2015 | Published in Netball

Its knockout netball time this weekend as the shortened season draws to an end.


Last round games for netters

Tuesday 21 April 2015 | Published in Netball

This week will see the last of the round competition games in the shortened netball season.


Even match ups at TSA

Saturday 18 April 2015 | Published in Netball

Afternoon netball drew the crowds to the Tupapa outdoor courts yesterday for the premier game between Tupapa and the Titikaveka Pearls.


Skilled netball squad named

Thursday 16 April 2015 | Published in Netball

This year is being seen as a building year for Netball Cook Islands who yesterday named a squad of 15 for upcoming international duty.


Dominant wins in netball

Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Netball

Arorangi, Titikaveka and Ngatangiia registered strong wins in the premier grade netball matches at the weekend.


Netters back after break

Tuesday 14 April 2015 | Published in Netball

Netballers return to the courts today to play out their third club match-ups.


Junior netters shine on court

Tuesday 31 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Netball fans were treated to fiercely-fought and competitive junior netball games at the weekend, proving there is a bright future for netball.


Hard work ahead for national netters

Tuesday 31 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Despite a lower than expected turnout of local players at last week’s national netball trials, newly-appointed head coach Dale Atkinson believes there is a real desire for players to represent their country.


Stars still shooting

Monday 30 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Takau Moeka’a of the Takuvaine senior open netball team pots in a few baskets to warm up for her team’s game against Ngatangiia on Saturday.


Netters trial out for national duty

Tuesday 24 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Newly-appointed netball head coach Dale Atkinson says there is no higher honour than representing your culture.


Determined netters return to courts

Monday 23 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Netters returned to the courts on Saturday with some players hitting the ground running, while others were still dusting off the cobwebs.


Netball coach on development mission

Sunday 22 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Newly appointed national netball head coach Dale Atkinson will hit the island sprinting this weekend with junior development programmes as well as coaching development workshops on the cards.


Netters return to courts

Sunday 22 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Premier grade netters, and those wanting to don the national bib have little time to dust off the cobwebs with newly appointed national netball coach Dale Atkinson set to check today’s first round of netball games.


Netters bib up for first games

Friday 20 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Netters will lace up their shoes and bibs this weekend for the first game of the 2015 domestic netball season.


Netball season to cater for all ages

Friday 13 March 2015 | Published in Netball

Based on feedback from netball clubs and players, Rarotonga Netball Centre (RNC) have tweaked the netball season structure and come up with a solution they believe will have netters of all ages dusting off their shoes and hitting the courts for the new season.


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