Wednesday 5 September 2012 | Published in Cricket
Northern Districts Cricket coach Pat Malcon (above) is impressed.
Saturday 18 August 2012 | Published in Cricket
Diving catches, quick singles and blistering fast bowling will not be on the menu today but expect plenty of laughs and friendly banter at the Raro Realty golden oldies cricket game hitting off at 2pm. This is according to Cook Islands Cricket president Oliver Syme, who the papa batters and bowlers will want to prove […]
Thursday 16 August 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Wale cricketing lads from the Pukapuka-dominated Tupapa 2 team are excited about the upcoming Twenty-20 cricket season. And so they should be, Twenty-20 cricket is well suited to their style of big hits and plenty of energy. The Pukapuka boys have been training over the past two weeks and say they are pumped ahead […]
Wednesday 15 August 2012 | Published in Cricket
What started as an opportunity for a gentle hit around has ended up with the creation of a brand new Golden Oldies cricket league. Saturday’s stunning weather saw ideal conditions for some good matches and thankfully there were no broken bones, slipped discs or broken hips. In fact, the match was such a success that […]
Saturday 11 August 2012 | Published in Cricket
The keenness of cricket volunteers and coaches played out across the country last week when nine islands took part in a national ANZ junior cricket day. Thirty-six keen college students, teachers and helpers on the islands of Penrhyn, Manihiki, Mangaia, Aitutaki, Mauke, Pukapuka, Rarotonga, Palmerston and Mitiaro all delivered a morning of cricket games and […]
Thursday 9 August 2012 | Published in Cricket
Muri is set to see an influx of old men in white this Saturday as senior cricket enthusiasts from all over Rarotonga assemble at the Muri Club field for the first Golden Oldies cricket event of the season. Golden Oldies cricket was a major fixture on the cricketing calendar many years ago and cricket president […]
Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Cricket
In four weeks, Rarotonga men and women cricketers will embark on their first Twenty-20 season.
Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Tupapa Cricket Club has plenty to be excited about this year.
Thursday 19 July 2012 | Published in Cricket
Four Cook Islands cricket players have been named in the International Cricket Council emerging cricket squad – doubling numbers from previous years. The squad, selected by ICC High Performance Coach Tom Evans, who recently made a visit to the Cooks, includes some of the most exciting talent the region has to offer. It is no […]
Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in Cricket
National men’s and women’s cricketers have been sharing the buzz of cricket this week with Tereora College students. National players have been coaching and giving tips to cricket loving students who were recently introduced to the hugely popular court cricket – a modified format of the game aimed at having fun. Cook Islands Cricket chief […]
Thursday 14 June 2012 | Published in Cricket
Tereora College students have been having a blast learning cricket as part of the ANZ cricket in schools programme. This week Tereora College year 9 and 10 students have been having fun learning new cricket skills and in just two short weeks – the students have learned to bowl and bat. Students have also enjoyed […]
Friday 1 June 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cook Islands Cricket is setting the bar for off-field administration even higher for its upcoming Computer Man Rarotonga season. Cricket’s brand new and innovative club championship table will reward clubs (men and women) with a weekly point system based on off-field development and performance. The new initiative is an incentivised programme set to support clubs […]
Wednesday 30 May 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cook Islands Cricket is making sweeping changes to its upcoming Computerman Rarotonga men’s club season with bigger hits and faster action and a stronger focus on international success. All this will be on the agenda for discussion at this week’s Rarotonga Men’s Council of Clubs meeting. Among the changes being discussed is for the 40 […]
Tuesday 1 May 2012 | Published in Cricket
Laughter rang across Tereora College yesterday as students got into the swing of the fun and fast six-a-side court cricket. The national college is the first to experience the fun and excitement of the new Cook Islands Cricket initiative developed to capture the hearts of young Cook Islanders and bridge the gap between junior and […]
Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Bridging the gap between junior cricket and club cricket is the aim of the new and innovative ANZ 6-a-side court cricket tournament for high school kids. The fast and action packed tournament will be launched at Tereora College on Monday and will run for two weeks starting with the girls tournament in the first week […]
Friday 27 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Rarotonga based national women cricketers were put under pressure at the weekend in their first hit-out as part of their preparations for the East Asia-Pacific tournament next month in Vanuatu. The hit-out gave women cricketers a better understanding of their skills and importantly the chance to apply skills learned under coach Hori Miller in a […]
Saturday 21 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Rarotonga arm of the newly formed women’s national cricket squad will have its first hit-out today in what will no doubt be a nervous encounter. National coach Hori Miller has called on big fire power and fringe squad players to test out the Rarotonga girls’ progress over the past two months. “It’s about pressure,” […]
Wednesday 11 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cricket is seeping into the sporting landscape in Aitutaki, finding inroads through the island’s student population and under the keen eyes of senior local cricketers. Students in all of Aitutaki’s schools have been receiving coaching lessons this year from visiting Cook Islands Cricket (CIC) officials and the island’s own top cricketers currently vying for a […]
Thursday 5 April 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cricket selectors have a problem with national women’s team, but it is a good problem to have. Nineteen women from Aitutaki and Rarotonga who have been put on a shortlist for the side have been hard at work in the last few months, trying to make their claim to one of 14 spots available in […]
Thursday 15 March 2012 | Published in Cricket
Rarotonga and Aitutaki women cricketers have impressed the national selection panel who have picked 19 players from the two islands to make up the first ever women’s cricket training squad and national squad. The players will now spend the next eight weeks training up to three times a week before a final squad of 14 […]