Wednesday 31 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Computer Man men’s cricket competition was scorching hot at the weekend.
Tuesday 30 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Dive Centre sponsored Arorangi women’s cricket team continued their unbeaten record with a win over Air Raro Matavera at the weekend.
Monday 29 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Computer Man men’s Twenty-20 cricket competition has been an eye opener for the new ANZ under 19 National Development Team.
Saturday 27 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Another day of action-packed Computer Man men’s cricket is expected as six teams take to the field today.
Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
The ever popular ANZ Cricket in Schools programme is back for term four.
Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
As the Cooks national women’s cricket trio return from their Northern Districts Cricket camp in New Zealand, male players Toala Teinaki and Wayken Punga depart for a similar experience with the International Cricket Council.
Saturday 20 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Computer Man men’s Twenty20 cricket competition has been an eye opener for the new ANZ Under 19 National Development Team (NDT).
Thursday 18 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
This Saturday’s Edgewater women’s cricket matches are of critical importance to the Matavera and Avana sides. This weekend, second-placed Matavera and third-placed Avana take on Tupapa and Muri respectively.
Wednesday 17 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cricket is well known for establishing international partnerships to provide unprecedented opportunities for its cricketers and the latest is just as exciting.
Monday 15 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Ask Cricket’s CEO what his favourite number is and he will, without hesitation, tell you it’s 102.
Monday 15 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
While Arorangi recorded a 30 run victory over Muri in the weekend to stretch 6 points clear at the top of the women’s table, it was welcome to the Edgewater women’s cricket season for the newly formed Tupapa women’s team.
Saturday 13 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Just shy of half way through the first round robin of the Computer Man and Edgewater women’s cricket season, today presents its biggest test yet for cricketers.
Saturday 13 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Welcome to the Edgewater women’s cricket season for the newly formed Tupapa women’s cricket team.
Tuesday 9 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
The island paradise of Mauke has been awash with cricketing action these school holidays. Current national bowling sensation Amelia Moetaua is on the island as part of a Cook Islands Cricket development visit.
Monday 8 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Cricket development officer Lucky Topetai had his hands full recently with cricket loving Pukapuka kids on the northern group island.
Monday 8 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Aitutaki Cricket will receive a solid boost to their cricket season preparations next week. South African cricket umpires Wayne Ralph and Colin Russell will be delivering an interactive umpires course on international Twenty-20 rules on Tuesday.
Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Cricket
Takuvaine took down the Titans, Turangi toppled Muri and Tupapa 2 beat the national development team in a weekend of Computer Man men’s cricketing upsets. The advent of Twenty-20 cricket has seen the landscape of cricketing dominance change. Teams that once dominated the 40-over version have been pushed hard by all sides. Spectators have loved […]
Tuesday 18 September 2012 | Published in Cricket
The Computer Man men’s cricket games were full of action last weekend as teams squared off for the second round.
Tuesday 11 September 2012 | Published in Cricket
Computerman Twenty-20 cricket provided plenty of drama over the weekend. The most telling point of the weekend is the direct impact New Zealand coach Pat Malcon has had on the first round. Players and teams that took the initiative to make the most of the highly regarded Kiwi have reaped the rewards with wins and […]
Saturday 8 September 2012 | Published in Cricket
There will be plenty of cricketing excitement across the island today as teams take to the pitch for the first match of the new Twenty-20 Computerman Rarotonga club cricket competition. Adding to the excitement is the fact that international cricketer Davies Teinaki is in town. Teinaki, brother of power hitter Toara ‘The Tank’ Teinaki, is […]