Small World

Brawl in Samoa prison

Wednesday 1 April 2020 | Written by Gray Clapham | Published in Small World

The troubled prison system in Samoa is again under the spotlight after a brawl in one of the cells landed five inmates in hospital in Apia with injuries sustained from an improvised weapon on Tuesday.

Small World

Sailors seek refuge in Guam's hotels

Wednesday 1 April 2020 | Written by Gray Clapham | Published in Small World

Covid-19 is so far having its deadliest impact in the Western Pacific with deaths from the coronavirus reported in both Guam and the Northern Marianas.

Small World

Armed soldiers not needed says Fijian rights advocate

Wednesday 1 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

The Pacific has been warned to prepare for a ‘long-term battle’ against the Covid-19 coronavirus as reports from Fiji say armed soldiers are patrolling the streets.

Small World

New Zealander stranded in Wuhan

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Published in Small World

A New Zealand citizen trapped at the epicentre of China’s coronavirus outbreak is pleading with the government to do more to get New Zealanders out.

Small World

Call for Pacific flight ban

Tuesday 28 January 2020 | Published in Small World

Pacific nations on full alert for coronavirus with six Chinese tourists quarantined in Fiji.

Small World

Indonesia appoints Pacific advocate

Thursday 23 January 2020 | Published in Small World

PACIFIC – Indonesia has appointed one of its main regional heads of mission to a new role as roving ambassador in the Pacific.

Small World

Pacific vulnerable to virus

Thursday 23 January 2020 | Published in Small World

New Zealand must do all it can to protect Pacific from Chinese outbreak.

Small World

Pacific looks for leadership in 2020

Wednesday 22 January 2020 | Published in Small World

Some of the Pacific’s leaders face big challenges this year, as the climate crisis, corruption allegations and regional loyalties clash. In the second of a two-part series, RNZ Pacific’s Jamie Tahana and Johnny Blades look at some of the region’s bigger players and the tensions looming in 2020.

Small World

Storms brewing: Pacific outlook for 2020

Monday 20 January 2020 | Published in Small World

As a new decade dawns much of the Pacific is grappling with major upheavals from climate and health crises to political disruption and self-determination struggles. In a two part series, RNZ Pacific’s Jamie Tahana and Johnny Blades look at the state of play across the region’s countries and territories and what’s on the cards for 2020. This is the first part.

Small World

Leave the Marmite at home, aviation security warns

Monday 20 January 2020 | Published in Small World

A mountain of butter and Marmite are among some contraband items detected by airport security. By Ruth Hill/ RNZ

Small World

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