
Pohiva expects Tonga to bounce back

Monday 26 February 2018 | Published in Regional

TONGA – Tonga’s prime minister said Pacific people are resilient and he expects his country to bounce back from the devastation caused by last week’s Cyclone Gita.


Sea level rise likely to be double what's predicted

Monday 26 February 2018 | Published in Regional

NEW ZEALAND – A prominent New Zealand research scientist said sea level rise from the Antarctic ice sheet may be twice that of previous estimates.


Fiji's traffic woes impacting the economy

Monday 26 February 2018 | Published in Regional

FIJI – Auckland may have a traffic problem – but so does Suva.


Clinic open around the clock

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Regional

AMERICAN SAMOA – A doctor in American Samoan says a free 24 hour clinic operating after Cyclone Gita has seen a steady flow of patients.


Entrepreneur urges more support, less jealousy

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Regional

SAMOA – Businesses in Samoa are being urged to support and collaborate with other entrepreneurs around the region.


Missing fishermen rescued

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Regional

MICRONESIA – Three fishermen have been rescued in the Federated States of Micronesia after they spent eight days stranded at sea.


Schools-in-a-box sent to Tonga

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Regional

TONGA – Emergency educational supplies from UNICEF have been flown to Tonga this week.


'Resettled' refugees sent back to Manus

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Nine Manus Island refugees who tried to resettle in Papua New Guinea are reportedly being returned to the island.


New claims of police brutality in Fiji

Thursday 22 February 2018 | Published in Regional

FIJI – New accusations of police brutality with claims of torture and rape have surfaced in Fiji.


Targets won't halt seas rising

Wednesday 21 February 2018 | Published in Regional

PACIFIC – New research shows targets set out in the Paris climate change agreement may not be enough to offset sea level rise in the next 300 years. The research, published this week in the journal Nature Communications, says the world will experience sea level rise of between 0.7 and 1.2 metres even if the targets are met.


New images reveal cyclone's wrath

Wednesday 21 February 2018 | Published in Regional

TONGA – New photographs taken just yesterday around the eastern area of Tonga’s main island of Tongatapu show extensive damage to homes, vegetation and schools caused by the category four Cyclone Gita.


Newborn baby deaths a 'serious concern'

Wednesday 21 February 2018 | Published in Regional

PACIFIC – UNICEF says the rate of newborn deaths in Kiribati, Papua New Guinea and the Federated States of Micronesia remains alarmingly high.


Refusing medical help

Wednesday 21 February 2018 | Published in Regional

NAURU – A female asylum seeker on Nauru with a life-threatening heart condition is refusing an offer to be transferred overseas for medical treatment, saying she will not go without her son.


Tongan schools in post-cyclone crisis

Tuesday 20 February 2018 | Published in Regional

TONGA – As Cyclone Gita roared across Tonga last week it destroyed government buildings, churches and private homes – it also smashed the island’s schools and has sabotaged the immediate education prospects of hundreds of Tongan children.


Communication before and during cyclone criticised

Tuesday 20 February 2018 | Published in Regional

SAMOA – Concerns are being raised in the two Samoas about the state of emergency communications and the lack of updates during Cyclone Gita.


Poor building standards exposed

Tuesday 20 February 2018 | Published in Regional

TONGA – Cyclone Gita’s trail of destruction has exposed poor building standards in Tonga


Where are missing observers?

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Papua New Guinea’s government has been asked to investigate the disappearance of nationals aboard foreign fishing vessels in recent years.


Post-cyclone recovery continues

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Regional

TONGA – Tonga’s disaster authorities say good progress is being made getting emergency shelter out to the remote villages lashed by Cyclone Gita.


Cyclone alert in New Caledonia

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Regional

NEW CALEDONIA – A level 1 storm alert was issued for New Caledonia’s Isle of Pines yesterday as Tropical Cyclone Gita was forecast to pass tonight.


Parliament 'homeless'

Monday 19 February 2018 | Published in Regional

TONGA – As Tonga struggles to recover from Cyclone Gita, authorities are looking for somewhere to host the next Parliamentary sessions next month.


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