
Awards postponed

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

PASIFIKA – A mix of newcomers, old hands, and Polynesian heavy metallers are among the finalists for this year’s Pacific Music Awards.

Small World

Fijian youth most likely to suffer

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

FIJI – A youth leader in Fiji says young people are likely to suffer most in a post-Covid-19 world with more than 150,000 workers already impacted across the country.

Small World

Over 500 fly home to Easter Island

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

EASTER ISLAND – Over 500 people have been repatriated from continental Chile to Rapa Nui, or Easter Island.

Small World

Niue achieves historic conservation milestone

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

As the region remains distracted by the enormity of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Niue has pressed ahead and this week formalised the creation of an enormous marine reserve.

Small World

Rapa Nui cautious to avoid further cases of Covid-19 as repatriation flights begin

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

Officials on Rapa Nui, or Chilean administered Easter Island, are being cautious to avoid further cases of Covid-19 as repatriation flights begin from the mainland.

Small World

Fiji stresses ambition as “more urgent than ever” in light of covid-19 crisis and impact of TC Harold

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

As Pacific Small Island Developing States cope with both the aftermath of severe Cyclone Harold and the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fiji has led a global push for greater multilateral solidarity and support to brace vulnerable countries for devastating public health and economic impacts.

Small World

Call for Samoa PM to delay controversial bills

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

Two political parties in Samoa have called on the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi to delay passing controversial bills, RNZ reports.

Small World

Pacific economies walking a tight rope

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Gray Clapham | Published in Small World

Pacific nations and territories are caught in a balancing act between public health and easing out of lockdown restrictions, according to WHO.

Small World

Bars and clubs make plea to PM

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

The Tonga Bar Club and Restaurant Association has added its weight to a call for the government to ease the six-week-long Covid-19 restrictions.

Small World

Tongan businesses want economy to 'get moving'

Friday 1 May 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

Businesses in Tonga are calling on the government there to ease Covid-19 restrictions to get the economy moving again.

Small World

Malaria adds to Vanuatu's woes

Wednesday 29 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

VANUATU – Vanuatu health authorities have another challenge to deal with after a local outbreak of malaria in the northern province of Torba following Tropical Cyclone Harold.

Small World

Emergency impacting on routine vaccinations

Wednesday 29 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

PACIFIC– Thousands of children in the Pacific are in danger of missing out on routine vaccines because immunisation services have been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Small World

Military boss defends need to control media freedom

Wednesday 29 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Small World

One of Fiji’s leading military officers has defended the stifling of the media during the Covid-19 health emergency, prompting concern from press freedom advocates.

Small World

French Polynesia's opposition says schools should remain closed

Wednesday 29 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Regional

French Polynesia's opposition Tahoeraa Huiraatira party says schools should remain closed until September because of the continued risks posed by the Covid-19 outbreak.


New Caledonia lifts most Covid-19 restrictions, borders remain closed

Wednesday 29 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Regional

New Caledonia will on Monday lift just about all restrictions imposed over the Covid-19 outbreak but keep the borders closed.


Samoa associate justice minister under investigation

Tuesday 28 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Regional

A criminal investigation has been launched in Samoa into allegations against the Associate Minister for Justice, So’oalo Mene.


Vanuatu ship visit puts island under lockdown

Tuesday 28 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Regional

Vanuatu’s Director of Public Health says the island of Malekula will remain in lockdown until a ship that visited there is cleared of Covid-19.


Recovery hampered by lack of boats

Tuesday 28 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Regional

Vanuatu – Disaster officials in Vanuatu say they’re being challenged by the small number of vessels available to transport relief supplies to communities devastated by Cyclone Harold.


Fiji warned to not 'drop the ball'

Tuesday 28 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Regional

FIJI – Fijians have been told the stakes of Covid-19 are higher than any game of rugby. Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama called on people to stay the course as the country battled with the Covid-19 crisis.


Decimation of tourism may plunge Pacific into poverty

Tuesday 28 April 2020 | Written by Legacy Author | Published in Regional

The decimation of the Pacific’s tourism industry by Covid-19 could plunge thousands of people into poverty, according to a new assessment by the International Labour Organisation.


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