
Birth rate up since baby bonus enacted

Monday 27 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Since government enacted the baby bonus, the birth rate has increased. Internal affairs minister Mark Brown, speaking to a room full of Pacific journalists on Saturday, said the average birth rate has jumped from about 300 to about 390 in two years. ”We don’t know if it’s because of the incentive of the baby bonus […]


Groups lobby for PLG membership

Monday 27 August 2012 | Published in Regional

The Polynesian Leaders Group (PLG) is seriously considering admitting Hawai’i, Rapa Nui and Aotearoa Maori into its fold. The communiqu containing its final decision is not being released until Friday. Three Polynesian groups made submissions on Saturday to the leaders of the eight Polynesian nations that comprise the PLG – Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, […]


All home for Forum

Monday 27 August 2012 | Published in Regional

All cabinet ministers are in the Cook Islands this week for the 43 rd Pacific Leaders Forum, the largest gathering of Pacific leaders ever to assemble in the country. Police Minister Teariki Heather yesterday arrived back from the Solomon Islands, where he has been attending a Pacific Chiefs of Police conference with police commissioner Maara […]


Polynesian leaders want a cable

Monday 27 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Polynesian leaders are hoping to alleviate the burden of their geographical isolation by sharing the costs and benefits of a fibre optic telecommunications cable. It was an issue that featured heavily in discussions of the Polynesian Leaders Group (PLG) meeting on Saturday, according to Prime Minister Henry Puna and Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Malielegaoi, who […]


Avatiu's triumph over Arorangi

Monday 27 August 2012 | Published in Regional

In the main match in the Lotto Premiership football championships on Saturday, host Avatiu defeated Arorangi by two goals to one in their first game of the 2012 Rarotonga football round cup competition. The match was evenly contested throughout the entire game by both sides. In the 46th minute Dwayne Taio of Arorangi scored the […]


Why the ocean is top of the agenda

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Every single one of us is affected by the ocean. It’s all connected and it connects us all. Similarly, no one entity can be charged with protecting this all-important resource. The world’s largest ocean and one of the most unspoiled – the Pacific Ocean – will be centre stage next week as leaders from Pacific […]


West Papua lobbying

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

The New Zealand-based Indonesia Human Rights Committee says it will continue to lobby the Pacific Islands Forum to push for West Papua’s independence. A campaign for human rights and self-determination for West Papua began this week, with support from the ethical cosmetics brand Lush. Demonstrations are being held throughout stores in Australia and New Zealand, […]


Private sector to conduct dialogue

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

The private sector has until Wednesday to collaboratively draft a statement for Forum leaders to consider. Businesspeople from the Cook Islands will join their regional counterparts in a private sector dialogue next week – a full two days of lectures, discussions and brainstorming sessions. The private sector dialogue is a regular offshoot of the Pacific […]


Sevens mission

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

The Cook Islands national rugby sevens team kick started its Oceania Sevens Tournament campaign in Sydney with three pool matches yesterday. The Cooks played Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Tahiti. The results will determine the draw for day two of the tournament today (CIT). The aim for all the teams at the Sydney tournament is […]


Pacific products displayed at showcase

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Pacific businesses are bringing their best to the Forum. On Monday night invited guests will attend a showcase at the National Auditorium, coordinated by the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce to provide an opportunity for Pacific businesspeople to put their products on parade and their services on show. The function is being referred to as […]


Second equal Panthers and Eels face off

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Last week the Tupapa Panthers clinched a win against the Arorangi Cowboys to remain in second place on the senior A rugby grade points and today they will to do it all against joint second place holders the Avatiu Eels. The Panthers will host the Eels at Victoria Park in today’s CITC main match of […]


Media given Forum story lines

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat secretary-general briefed Pacific media yesterday on the documents and meetings to watch for over the course of the coming week. Speaking at PINA/PIFS Forum regional media workshop yesterday morning, Tuiloma Neroni Slade reviewed the Forum agenda and the components of it that will make for good news. ”You have your […]


'Need to know needs balance'

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Foregoing his commitment to play 18 holes with French Polynesia President Oscar Temaru, Prime Minister Henry Puna spoke at a meeting of Pacific journalists yesterday morning. He officially opened the PINA/PIFS Forum regional media workshop, at which a handful of journalists were present. ”I was reported in the Cook Islands News this morning as playing […]


Kia Orana gift baskets for leaders

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

As well as the friendly smiles of the Cook Islands people – leaders arriving on the island for the Pacific Leaders Forum will receive a unique gift basket. The Kia Orana basket is stocked with beautiful Cook Islands products. Forum logistics coordinator Jaewynn McKay is pictured here with a number of the Kia Orana gift […]


New CISNOC President

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Badminton Cook Islands president Hugh Graham (above) has won the vote to become the new president of the beleaguered Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee. Needing a majority vote of 51 percent of the 40 voting delegates, Graham won the vote ahead of finance and sports minister Mark Brown and Paul Allsworth. His election […]


Champion endorses marine park

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

One of the world’s foremost oceanographers, hailed by Time Magazine as a ”hero for the planet“, is on Rarotonga to endorse the Cook Islands’ proposed marine park. Between three days diving in Aitutaki, watching whales aboard Nan Hauser’s research vessel and taking calls from Radio New Zealand, Sylvia Earle somehow found time to sit down […]


Marine park a 'jewel in the crown'

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

That some of Conservation International’s head honchos are on Rarotonga this week is an indication the US-based organisation is taking the Cook Islands marine park initiative seriously. Conservation International, a global organisation employing 1000 people in 35 offices, was last year invited by government to provide technical and scientific advice to the local steering committee […]


Pacific Plan pivotal to sustainable development

Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Pacific leaders shared an ambitious vision for regional cooperation and economic integration when they endorsed the Pacific Plan in Madang, Papua New Guinea, in October 2005. Seven years on, it is timely that leaders are taking stock of progress with the Pacific Plan. With a focus on economic growth, sustainable development, good governance and security, […]


Bishop speaks out of turn on Fiji

Friday 24 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Cabinet minister Teina Bishop told Fiji media yesterday that he was ready to welcome Fiji back into the Forum family. Fiji Times published a story headlined ‘Leaders support Fiji’ quoting Pacific delegates who this week attended the Third Engaging with the Pacific (EWTP) meeting in Denerau. The story quotes Bishop as congratulating self-appointed Prime Minister […]


Temaru salutes fallen leaders

Friday 24 August 2012 | Published in Regional

Arriving to an elaborate turou on the tarmac at Rarotonga International Airport, French Polynesian President Oscar Temaru made one request – to visit the gravesites of two fallen Cook Islands leaders. Laden with ei and coming off a commercial flight from Papeete, Temaru opted not to head to his hotel but instead to the graves […]


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