
Solomon Islands forms new taskforce

Friday 2 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Solomon Islands police, prosecutors and several Government Ministries have formed a new high level taskforce to crackdown on environmental crime.


Samoa for sale in 'extreme' law

Friday 2 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Samoa citizenship could soon be up “for sale” for as much as $1,000,000 tala.


In brief: Forced to eat unripened crops

Thursday 1 May 2014 | Published in Regional

People affected by last month’s Cyclone Lusi in Vanuatu have been forced to eat unripened crops while they wait for goverment assistance.


Pitcairners deny mutiny make-up

Thursday 1 May 2014 | Published in Regional

A Pitcairn descendant of Fletcher Christian has laughed off reports of a symbolic reconciliation with the Bligh family 225 years after the legendary mutiny on the Bounty.


Fiji: 'Dead man' seeking answers

Thursday 1 May 2014 | Published in Regional

An inquiry is underway in Fiji to determine how a man who was declared dead in the nation’s main hospital was pronounced alive an hour later.


PNG: Refugee status known soon

Thursday 1 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Papua New Guinea has taken the first step towards granting refugee status and resettling refugees currently detained on Manus Island.


PNG: Human trafficking confronted

Thursday 1 May 2014 | Published in Regional

New anti-human trafficking laws are expected to come into force in Papua New Guinea next month.


Locals unhappy with detention camp

Wednesday 30 April 2014 | Published in Regional

The principal landowners on whose land Australia’s Papua New Guinea detention centre has been built are frustrated by the way things have turned out.


NZ wants journalists off the blacklist

Wednesday 30 April 2014 | Published in Regional

The foreign minister of New Zealand says he has spoken to Fiji about lifting bans on two New Zealand journalists.


PNG: Dog attack victim speaks out

Wednesday 30 April 2014 | Published in Regional

A Papua New Guinea man shown in a leaked video being attacked by police dogs in Port Moresby has come forward, demanding justice for the trauma he says he has suffered.


PNG: Gas project ready to produce

Wednesday 30 April 2014 | Published in Regional

Exxon Mobil has announced its A$19 billion liquid natural gas project in Papua New Guinea has begun production ahead of schedule.


Fiji thumbs nose at Pacific Forum

Wednesday 30 April 2014 | Published in Regional

Fiji says it won’t renew its membership to the Pacific Islands Forum unless Australia and New Zealand are expelled as members.


In brief: Nauru too busy to deal with amnesty

Wednesday 30 April 2014 | Published in Regional

Amnesty International has revealed that Nauru has denied it access to the island’s Australian-run immigration detention centre, which houses more than 1,000 asylum seekers.


Samoa: 'Shame punishment enough'

Tuesday 29 April 2014 | Published in Regional

Defence counsels for two Samoan government cabinet ministers found guilty of obstructing police spoke of their clients’ shame from the “whole affair”.


Low-lying islands adaptable

Tuesday 29 April 2014 | Published in Regional

Researchers say there is evidence that low-lying Pacific Islands nations can grow, making them more adaptable to the threat of rising sea levels caused by climate change.


In brief: Water resources under pressure

Tuesday 29 April 2014 | Published in Regional

There are concerns in American Samoa that the main island’s current water resources will struggle to cope with growing demand.


Nauru: Refugees to get five-year visas

Tuesday 29 April 2014 | Published in Regional

Asylum seekers on Nauru who are found to be refugees have been told they will be resettled on the island for five years where they will be given work rights and the opportunity to establish their own businesses.


Shane Jones the man for the Pacific

Thursday 24 April 2014 | Published in Regional

The former head of Oxfam New Zealand , Barry Coates, says New Zealand should tread carefully with a newly-created high level diplomatic role for the region.


In brief: Sexual violence worsening in Vanuatu

Thursday 24 April 2014 | Published in Regional

An increase in sexual offences in Vanuatu is being blamed on greater access to the internet and pornography brought in by overseas workers.


Pacific: El Nino cycle sneaking back in

Thursday 24 April 2014 | Published in Regional

The El Nino cycle is expected to return to western Pacific as early as July this year, meteorologists say.


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