
In Brief: Priest shot in heart in payback killing

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Regional

A Papua New Guinea bishop is calling for more police intervention after a priest was killed in a payback killing between warring tribes in Central Province Father Garry Maria Inau was shot close-range in the heart when he was leaving his parish in Kunimaipa Valley of Goilala district on Sunday last week.


Pacific hot spot adding to global warming

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Regional

An international team of scientists has discovered a hot spot in the Pacific Ocean is partly responsible for global warming in the Arctic.


Solomon Islands: No reports of electoral fraud

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Solomon Islands’ Electoral Commission says a formal complaint must be made before there is any investigation into allegations of electoral fraud.


Australia: Move to abandon support

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Regional

An Australian Federal Opposition MP is calling on the Labor Party to abandon its support for the offshore processing of asylum seekers.


PNG: Resettlement policy contradicted

Tuesday 13 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Papua New Guinea’s immigration minister says he will choose which refugees resettle in the country, an apparent contradiction of the Australian Government’s assertion that all genuine refugees detained on Manus Island will be resettled within PNG.


TV show 'offensive to Pacific islanders'

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Regional

A new Australian television comedy about a rebellious Tongan teenager has been condemned as “self indulgent” and “deeply offensive” to Pacific islanders.


In Brief: New roll readies Tonga for elections

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Voters in Tonga will have access to the provisional electoral rolls from Thursday this week as the country prepares for elections on November 27.


Majuro: Police taking graffiti threat seriously

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Police in the Marshall islands are taking a threat against the Marshall Islands immigration director and his family last week seriously.


Palau: Returning to devastated island

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Before it hit the Philippines, Typhoon Haiyan also devastated the small island of Kayangal in Palau.


Noumea: Small gain for separatists

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Regional

New Caledonian separatists have gained ground in parliamentary elections on Sunday but have fallen short of securing an absolute majority.


Aid boost for Samoa's roads

Monday 12 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Australia has pledged a $20 million boost for Samoa’s infrastructure projects.


Effluent spill closes nickel plant

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Regional

The president of New Caledonia’s Southern Province Cynthia Ligeard has ordered immediate suspension of operations at the Vale nickel processing plant at Goro after an estimated 100,000 litres of effluent ended up in a creek.


Samoa: Breadfruit beer ready to go global

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Regional

A Samoan beer maker is setting its sights on the international market with a new product made from a fruit native to the Pacific. Samoa Breweries is undertaking a trial to turn locally-grown ulu, or breadfruit, into beer. As an added bonus, the brew is gluten-free, raising the prospect of niche marketing as a boutique beer in the United States and other western countries.


PNG: Games source of national pride

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Organisers of the Papua New Guinea National Games are hopeful the event will help launch athletes to bigger and better things.


PNG: City not place to bury the dead

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Residents of Lae in Papua New Guinea have been told they are not allowed to bury their dead in the city’s residential areas.


Fiji: Battle of personalities

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Regional

An observer of Fiji politics says the Fiji election will mostly be a battle of personalities and leadership.


PNG: Police force overhaul a big job

Thursday 8 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Papua New Guinea’s police force is beginning a process to try and regain the trust of the people after a series of allegations of serious police misconduct were revealed.


Vanuatu: Approval for airport project

Wednesday 7 May 2014 | Published in Regional

The Government Ad Hoc Committee for the proposed $35 billion International Airport Project on Efate has welcomed the Vaturisu Council of Chiefs’ confirmation that its 10th conference in Pango Village this week, has officially approved of the project to be built on Efate.


Samoa: Manu'a isolated again

Wednesday 7 May 2014 | Published in Regional

Oceanand air transportation to Manu’a are both currently down, and a Department of Public Safety marine patrol boat was recently used to transport a body to Tutuila, as the morgue in Ta’u was not operational.


In Brief: Tonga air review awaited

Wednesday 7 May 2014 | Published in Regional

The chief executive of Tonga’s domestic airline says he has not heard from the World Bank regarding the ongoing review of Tonga’s transport industry.


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