
Former deputy PM left out of Samoa's cabinet

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Regional

SAMOA – Samoa‘s former deputy prime minister, Fonotoe Nuafesili Pierre Lauofo, has been excluded from the new cabinet.


Horrific shark attack

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – A horrendous shark attack in Cakaudrove has shocked villagers of a coastal community.


Brutal murder of teenage girl prompts vigil

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – In solidarity, they stood at the same spot a 14-year-old girl was brutally murdered last earlier this week, holding a vigil with a desperate message – “stop the violence against children”.


Money raised in support of abducted woman

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Regional

VANUATU – Tour operators in Vanuatu have rallied in support of a woman abducted and assaulted over the weekend for criticising the behaviour of some public transport providers in Port Vila.


Facebook beating shocks Vanuatu

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Regional

The alleged abduction and physical assault of a Vanuatu woman for posting critical comments on Facebook has rocked the Pacific island nation. The Vanuatu Daily Post reported on the incident earlier this week.


Sad end to voyage of high ideals

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Regional

EASTER ISLAND – The Kon-Tiki2 Expedition has decided to end the expedition after 114 days and 4500 nautical miles in the south-east Pacific, the crew announced in a last website update before abandoning their balsawood vessels.


Expedition abandoned at sea

Saturday 19 March 2016 | Published in Regional

EASTER ISLAND – Fourteen adventurers have been rescued off the coast of Chile after weather forced them to abandon the recreation of a historic maritime journey.


Observers welcome 'any time'

Friday 18 March 2016 | Published in Regional

NAURU – Nauru’s president says election observers are welcome at “any time” – although it is not clear if this amounts to an official invitation.


Author describes 'ocean of the future'

Friday 18 March 2016 | Published in Regional

PACIFIC – An award-winning journalist and New York Times best-selling author says the world needs to listen more to what the Pacific ocean and its peoples have to say about looking after our planet.


Arrests for Vanuatu attack

Friday 18 March 2016 | Published in Regional

VANUATU – Police in Vanuatu have arrested seven men over the abduction and beating of a woman who criticised the behaviour of local transport providers on Facebook.


Revival of Pacific female artforms

Friday 18 March 2016 | Published in Regional

Female artists from around the Pacific region are reviving lost cultural art forms and reinventing creative traditions that have existed for generations, reports Indira Moala for Radio New Zealand International.


La Niña knocking at the door as El Niño says goodbye

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Regional

HAWAI‘I – A new report from the National Weather Service predicts the strong El Niño that brought a record number of hurricanes, huge winter surf and a dry winter to Hawai‘i should begin to end late this spring or early this (northern hemisphere) summer.


Chance to rebuild stronger infrastructure

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Regional

fiji – In Fiji engineers and assessors are counting the cost of the damage to roads and infrastructure caused by Cyclone Winston.


Signs of cracks in PNG'S coalition government

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Papua New Guinea’s deputy opposition leader says the wheels are starting to come off the Peter O’Neill-led coalition government.


Confiscation of passports questioned

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Regional

AMERICAN SAMOA – There are mixed signals coming from the American Samoa Attorney General’s Office and the Immigration Office regarding the confiscation of passports for non-US nationals and citizens visiting the territory.


Death of Fiji star shocks rugby world

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – The former Fiji rugby international Seru Rabeni is being remembered as a “cheerful”, “team man” who was “full of life.”


Forum requires invitation

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Regional

NAURU – The Pacific Islands Forum says it would only send an election observer team to Nauru if the government requested it.


Whales making slow recovery

Thursday 17 March 2016 | Published in Regional

NEW ZEALAND – The population of southern right whales in the waters off New Zealand is just 12 per cent of its size before whaling began, according to a new study.


Pacific women's NGO marks 40 years of service

Wednesday 16 March 2016 | Published in Regional

AUCKLAND – The New Zealand non government women’s organisation Pacifica has just marked 40 years of service to Pacific women, families and communities.


No outbreaks of infectious diseases in Fiji

Wednesday 16 March 2016 | Published in Regional

SUVA – Health teams working in Fiji in the aftermath of Cyclone Winston say the health situation has stabilised and they are not yet seeing large levels of mosquito, food and water-borne disease.


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