
Sacked Tonga coach not paid a cent so far

Saturday 2 April 2016 | Published in Regional

TONGA – The sacked Tonga sevens coach Andy Katoa says he has not been paid at all during his 18 months at the helm.


Global obesity epidemic getting worse

Saturday 2 April 2016 | Published in Regional

Over 12 per cent of adults are now obese, a ratio that has more than doubled since 1975 and will swell to 20 per cent by 2025, a major survey reported Friday.


Tonga PM dismisses claims he's blanking media

Saturday 2 April 2016 | Published in Regional

TONGA – The prime minister of Tonga has rejected criticism that he and his government are not making themselves available to the media.


Contaminated dam 'dewatered'

Saturday 2 April 2016 | Published in Regional

SOLOMON ISLANDS – The process to empty the tailings dam at a closed gold mine in Solomon Islands has begun after a long wait.


Museums struggle after funding cuts

Saturday 2 April 2016 | Published in Regional

HAWAI‘I – Museums with world class Pacific island collections are suffering major funding cuts forcing them to look for ways to pay their own way.


Powerful families benefit from refugee processing

Friday 1 April 2016 | Published in Regional

NAURU – Some of Nauru’s most powerful families are benefiting financially from the island’s multi-million-dollar Australian-funded refugee processing centres.


Refugee prefers Manus Island detention centre

Friday 1 April 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – An Iranian refugee who was “resettled” in Papua New Guinea’s second-largest city has tried to go back to detention on Manus Island.


Scientists make Zika virus breakthrough

Friday 1 April 2016 | Published in Regional

Scientists have worked out the structure of the Zika virus in a breakthrough that will aid the development of treatments to combat infection.


No confidence move tossed out

Friday 1 April 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – An attempted motion of no confidence in Papua New Guinea’s prime minister, Peter O’Neill, has been thrown out by the acting speaker of parliament.


Atolls running out of water

Friday 1 April 2016 | Published in Regional

MICRONESIA – Some parts of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands are experiencing their worst drought in recorded history, with some atolls close to running out of drinking water.


Melanoma rate highest in the world

Friday 1 April 2016 | Published in Regional

NEW ZEALAND – New Zealand now has the highest rate of melanoma skin cancer in the world – eclipsing Australia as the most dangerous place to be exposed to the sun.


Voyaging canoe delivers cyclone aid

Friday 1 April 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – A traditional Fijian voyaging canoe – the Uto Ni Yalo – has carried tonnes of cyclone relief supplies to the country’s former capital, Levuka, which was devastated by category five Cyclone Winston in February.


Cyclone a saviour for homeless man

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – An 80-year-old man in Fiji who became homeless 16 years ago after he lost his family in a tragic car accident has found Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston to be a saviour of sorts.


Futher rape charges laid

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – The 39-year-old suspect in the rape and murder of a 14-year-old in Deuba near Pacific Harbour earlier this month has been charged with the rape of two more young girls.


Crushed to death while changing billboard

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – The horrific death of an advertising company worker while changing a billboard using a cherry picker in Suva this week has worried Fiji’s Labour Minister Semi Koroilavesau.


Fiji praises New Zealand military assistance

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – Fiji’s military commander Rear Admiral Viliame Naupoto has commended the work of New Zealand military personnel in the aftermath of Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston, saying they are “helping bring back smiles and hope” to devastated areas.


Tragedy in pool while parents distracted

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – A family in Fiji is mourning the loss of their nine-year-old son who drowned in a resort swimming pool in Nadi earlier this week.


Fiji hit by 'cika' outbreak

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – As conjunctivitis or “pinkeye disease” cases increase in Fiji in the aftermath of Cyclone Winston, the Health Ministry has called on those infected to stay home and refrain from unnecessary travelling.


Clarity wanted on Manus situation

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Australia’s government has been urged to provide clarity about the situation in the asylum seeker processing centre on PNG’s Manus Island.


Judge overturns CNMI handgun ban

Thursday 31 March 2016 | Published in Regional

NORTHERN MARIANAS – America’s heated gun debate has reached a remote Pacific territory, with a court overturning a ban on handguns in the Northern Marianas after ruling it breached the US constitution’s second amendment.


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